A dirt road leads across Harris Wash (dry on our visit) from the Harris Wash Trailhead.

Shortly after crossing Harris Wash, a wash leads off to the left, the mouth of Red Breaks.

Some interesting rocks as we progress toward the mouth of the narrows.

Approaching the mouth of the Red Breaks Canyon narrows.

Lots of fun obstacles.

Really gorgeous textures in the slot.

Red Breaks opens for a while as it nears a junction.

Going too far leads to this junction. Matt on the left is headed into the left fork, where a dryfall awaits. We had to backtrack and locate a way up to the rim on the left.

Along the rim, the fork mentioned in the previous picture visible below on the right.

Continuing up Red Breaks (west fork) before it narrows up again.

Another fun Class 3 obstacle.

Gorgeous tall walls in the slot.

Just before the head of Red Breaks, a very narrow and somewhat steep bit served as the most difficult obstacle of the day.

Approaching the head of Red Breaks.

Leaving the wash and finding a Class 3 route up to the mesa above to the east.

Looking back down into the wash we came up.

We dropped down into a wash to the east and worked south around a second mesa in order to head north, avoiding unnecessary elevation gain (clearer in the map).

Heading north.

Slickrock as we head north, hugging a third mesa's northwest side.

Following beautiful slickrock as we continue toward Cosmic Ashtray.

Looking back as we gain some elevation at the north end of the third mesa, just before we started heading southeast toward Cosmic Ashtray.

Cosmic Ashtray ahead!

Cosmic Ashtray (not visible) is located just behind the slickrock hill in the center.

Looking back along the slickrock route.

On top of Red Breaks' high point, just to the feature's west.

Overlooking Cosmic Ashtray.

Close-up into Cosmic Ashtray.

At the famous spot.

I climbed up the east rim of Cosmic Ashtray to get more pics.

Matt, a speck in the slickrock.

Heading southwest away from Cosmic Ashtray through slickrock as we work back to complete the loop.

Looking back along slickrock toward Cosmic Ashtray (center back).

Approaching the dirt road we'd take for a few miles.

The dirt road is unremarkable, but serves as an easy way to get back.

Along the dirt road before getting back to Harris Wash.
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