From where we parked, we took a connector trail to reach the PCT.

Along the PCT, we entered the Mokelumne Wilderness.

Pretty forest walk along the PCT, which descended a bit.

Ascending along the PCT, Pleasant Valley below.

View back along the PCT. The technical Da-ek Dow Go-et Mountain seen on the right.

Ascending to the northern reaches of Raymond Peak.

Raymond Peak somewhere up there. The PCT wraps below the cliffs seen ahead.

Switchbacks along the PCT.

Raymond Peak seen aheaed.

Gorgeous hike beneath Raymond Peak. We reached a junction with the Raymond Lake Trail soon.

Raymond Lake. Raymond Peak seen top left.

View back toward Raymond Lake.

Steep slope up to Raymond Peak.

View back down the steep slope toward Raymond Lake.

Higher up, some embedded boulders within the steep slope.

And even higher was a grassy slope up to the cliffs above.

Keeping just below the cliffs until we located a weakness in the crest.

View back down, Raymond Lake seen center.

Weakness in the cliffs to reach the crest.

We dropped over to the west side of Raymond Peak and kept beneath the cliffs. The Sinister seen on the right.

Class 2 weakness to gain the summit.

Raymond Peak summit, view north.

Summit of Raymond Peak, view toward The Sinister (right) and Reynolds Peak (left).

Close-up toward Reynolds Peak.

We continued north along the ridge, dropping down on this steep slope. The Sinister seen top right. First, we headed down toward the trees right of center.

View back up at the descent.

Avoiding cliffs on our left.

View back toward Raymond Peak. You can see the scary ridgeline that we dropped below.

A gorgeous meadow at the base of The Sinister. We headed up to the notch seen center.

Class 2/3 up to the notch. Colorful rocks and wildflowers up the slope.

View back toward the meadow and Raymond Peak.

Class 2/3 within the weakness.

At the notch, now at the base of The Sinister.

Class 2 ramp leading to the Class 4 crux.

Class 4 crux. We both preferred keeping left here, emerging where Chris is standing on a ledge higher up.

View down the crux.

A short traverse led to this next chute over.

Class 3 up below a chockstone.

Chockstone squeeze.

Class 3 up the chute.

Chris emerging from the chute and heading right to gain the summit pinnacle.

Summit of The Sinister.

Summit of The Sinister, view toward Raymond Peak.

We backtracked and dropped north.

Some rocky terrain and cliffs to avoid.

Meadows, forest, generally pretty easy walking back to the car.

Some gullies along the way.

Final descent to the cars.
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