Along the wilderness road through Pinto Valley. The sentinel is seen in the center.

Still on the wilderness road through Pinto Valley, which stretches for a few miles ahead.

The road became too eroded to follow so we just stuck to the main wash.

Wrapping beneath The Sentinel.

View back up at The Sentinel's cool sandstone face.

Approaching the junction with Boulder Wash.

Heading down Boulder Wash. Ram Skull Peak (Guardian Peak behind it) seen right of center, Land's End on the left.

Getting closer to Ram Skull Peak.

View back up Boulder Wash. You can see Pinto Ridge in the center.

Before going up to Guardian Peak, we first hit up Peak 2041, seen ahead. Our descent came off the west ridge seen center. The ascent wrapped around the brighter-colored stuff at its base.

Approaching the base of Peak 2041.

Ascending a dark, minor gully.

Looking back, Ram Skull Peak seen above.

The little drainage ended and we ascended this Class 2 slope.

View toward Peak 2041. Crpytobiotic soil was everywhere, so we stuck to sheep trails to reach the peak's base, the ascent route visible left of center, next to the camera smudge.

Class 2 on loose talus/scree. Summit of Ram Skull Peak just ahead.

Close-up at the colorful badlands to the north.

View into the mouth of Boulder Wash.

View up Boulder Wash, which we came down.

We descended the west ridge, view back up at the summit of Peak 2041.

Class 3 move to get down a cliff band.

Class 2 descent back into Boulder Wash.

We started up Ram Skull Peak/Guardian Peak via its north ridge. It's a steep, tame ridge for the first few hundred feet.

View back, Peak 2041 seen on the right.

A trickier section lower down before all the fun scrambling begins.

Close-up at our progress up the ridge.

Wider shot at our progress. Pyramid Peak seen top center.

Fun Class 3 moves along the crest.

Another shot back toward Boulder Wash below.

A Class 3 chimney.

Making progress!

Close-up at the ridgeline so far.

Another shot back, much higher up now.

Onward to Ram Skull Peak! You can see Boulder Canyon below, the original site where they planned to build the Hoover Dam.

Ram Skull Peak summit, view east.

Onward to Guardian Peak, seen on the left. We had to drop a bit.

Close-up into a canyon to the north as we descend Class 2 from Ram Skull Peak.

View back toward Ram Skull Peak.

Approaching Guardian Peak.

Class 2/2+ up to the summit.

Guardian Peak summit view!

Guardian Peak summit, view into Boulder Canyon.

Arch Mountain on the opposite side of the Colorado River.

Close-up toward Pyramid Peak.

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