Looking up at Ragged Top from below.

A social trail for a short time.

Mostly we just side-hilled along the slope.

On the west side of Ragged Top, we headed up this gully.

Up the gully.

Class 2/2+.

Light scrambling up the gully.

Progress up the gully.

View back down at our progress.

Nearing the head of the gully.

At the saddle at the head of the gully, view back down.

Now going east toward the summit.

Class 2 much of the way up.

View back down toward the saddle.

Class 3 higher up.

Matt navigating Class 2/3 terrain.

A jumble higher up, but not too hard to navigate.

View back down as we near the summit.

We backtracked to the saddle and dropped north.

Funneled between two faces.

View back toward the descent through the two faces.

Descending toward Wolcott Peak, seen center.

Navigating prickly terrain toward Wolcott Peak.

Nearing the base of Wolcott Peak.

Some fun Class 2/3 scrambling up to its summit.

Navigating around some obstacles.

An optional Class 3 headwall.

Wolcott Peak summit, view toward Ragged Top.

From the saddle we picked up a nice trail.

View back up toward Ragged Top as we reach the trailhead.
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