Walking along the ATV trail. You can see the traverse ahead. Quinn Canyon Range High Point visible top right.

Continuing along the ATV trail.

View back along the ATV trail.

Crossing a stream one of a handful of times.

I left the ATV trail to head up this lighter-colored southern spur ridge that would lead to Quinn Canyon Range High Point.

Pretty steep ascent.

View back as I head up the spur ridge. You can see my descent ridge at the end of the traverse in the center coming down from Steep Mountain (top right).

Another shot back toward the ridgeline to come.

The ridgeline swaps between steep and less so. Quinn Canyon Range High Point obscured top right.

Looking back toward Sage Mountain (right of center), which I'll be getting toward the end of the traverse.

Ascending the spur ridge.

Some lightly forested stuff, nothing too irritating.

Quinn Canyon Range High Point ahead, center.

Minor Class 2 talus/scree.

Looking back down the spur ridge. The ATV trail led up from the left into the basin below.

Quinn Canyon Range High Point ahead.

Summit of Quinn Canyon Range High Point, view north toward the Grant Range (Troy Peak).

Quinn Canyon Range High Point, view east. My car is down there on the bottom right somewhere.

Quinn Canyon Range High Point summit, view toward the ridgeline to come.

Close-up of the start of the traverse from the summit.

View back up at Quinn Canyon Range High Point.

Heading toward Peak 10089 (center).

Along the ridge, some very light brush.

View back toward Quinn Canyon Range High Point (right).

Hiking along the ridge.

Peak 10089 poking out just right of center.

Stairstep Mountain poking out top right. Peak 10089 center.

View back toward Quinn Canyon Range High Point (right).

Minor Class 2 on the way to Peak 10089.

Peak 10089 just ahead. Stairstep Mountain top right.

Peak 10089 summit, view toward Stairstep Mountain (top right) and Sage Mountain (left).

Avoiding a minor bump on my way to Stairstep Mountain, social trails making it easy.

Stairstep Mountain ahead.

Lightly forested to the summit of Stairstep Mountain.

Stairstep Mountain summit, view toward Sage Mountain.

Just past the summit of Stairstep Mountain is this major rock outcrop. I kept left.

To the left of the rock outcrop, first some steep dirt and then a scree slope. I worked my way back to the ridge crest past the scree.

View back toward the rock outcrop. I came around on the right in this photo.

Continuing to the left of another hump along the ridge. My next goal is that brushy bump ahead.

View back toward Stairstep Mountain (left).

Sage Mountain visible top right. First I had to go over this brushy bump to get own to the saddle.

On top of the brushy bump. The left side started with minor cliffs that I got down from since the crest had more brush than I was happy about.

Along the steep slope just left of the ridge crest, avoiding the brush for the most part. It was a pretty steep descent down to the saddle visible center. Sage Mountain visible up top.

View back along the ridge to the forested hump I came down from. As you can see, the crest is quite brushy.

On my way up Sage Mountain, view back along the ridge. Quinn Canyon Range High Point visible top right. Peak 10089 center. Stairstep Mountain and its rock outcrop top left.

Steep up to Sage Mountain - North.

Just below the summit, view back along the ridgeline.

Minor Class 2 up to Sage Mountain - North.

Sage Mountain - North, view toward the traverse.

Sage Mountain - North, view toward Sage Mountain.

Heading to Sage Mountain.

Sage Mountain summit, view back the way I came. Stairstep Mountain top center.

Sage Mountain summit, view south.

Sage Mountain summit, view east toward Steep Mountain. I continued along the crest.

Steep Mountain ahead.

View back toward Sage Mountain (left). Stairstep Mountain visible right of center.

Some scree on the way down from Steep Mountain. Quinn Canyon Range High Point visible top left.

Avoiding some rock outcrops along the ridge crest by keeping left.

View toward the traverse from Quinn Canyon Range High Point (top right) to Peak 10089 from earlier in the day. The lighter-colored ridge I ascended from the ATV trail to the summit of the High Point is visible right of center.

Toward the bottom of the ridge (ATV trail is obscured below in the trees), there was some Class 2 and brush to contend with, but not too bad.
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