Starting along the north side of Blue Lakes Dam.

Looking back toward the dam as I head up into the valley southwest of Quandary Peak.

Heading up to the West Ridge of Quandary Peak, Fletcher Peak visible center.

Gorgeous scenery on the way up.

Looking back the way I came toward the Blue Lakes Dam (hidden from view below by the landscape).

Cairns marking the way up to the West Ridge.

A particularly pretty tarn just below the ridge.

View looking back across the tarns just south of the ridge.

Continuing up to the west ridge, view back the way I came.

Last bit of uphill to gain the West Ridge, Quandary Peak visible ahead.

On the West Ridge of Quandary Peak, view east to the ridge to come.

Close-up of the ridgeline.

Another shot of the ridge, showing more of the north side of Quandary Peak

Looking back along the ridge at Fletcher and Atlantic.

Some warm-up obstacles

The route heads just left of the ridge seen ahead. Class 2 stuff for a while.

Back on the main ridge, looking back the way I came.

Class 3 begins in earnest

A gully obstacle.

Looking back.

Another notable obstacle, still only Class 3.

Looking back past the ridge obstacles.

View southwest, Blue Lakes Dam below on the left. This was taken from just below the summit of Quandary Peak as I head sown the south ridge.

Blue Lakes Dam below, as I head down the south slopes.

The approach route I took earlier, Blue Lakes Dam visible center left.

Looking back up at Quandary Peak's south slopes.

Another shot looking back up, almost back to the Blue Lakes Trailhead.

Mountain goats on the way down.
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