From the trailhead, a view toward Quail Mountain. The most obvious trail, which is pictured here, leads nowhere. The Quail Springs Historic Trail starts west instead.

After hiking along the Quail Springs Historic Trail, I took the Johnny Lang Connector Trail.

Along the Johnny Lang Connector Trail, which ascends gradually.

View back toward the parking lot.

Ascending along the Johnny Lang Connector Trail. There are some nice granite features on the left.

Another shot back.

At the high point along the Connector Trail, which then descends into Johnny Lang Canyon below. Mount Minerva Hoyt seen right, Lang Mine Peak seen left.

End of the Johnny Lang Connector Trail. I took a right into the drainage.

Class 2 boulder-hopping within Johnny Lang Canyon. There wasn't an obvious spot to leave the canyon, so I left the main canyon when I saw a cairn on the left.

View back toward Johnny Lang Canyon after taking some spur drainage leading south in an attempt to get onto the Lang Mine Trail.

The Lang Mine Trail ascends steeply.

View back down into Johnny Lang Canyon along the Lang Mine Trail. The Johnny Lang Connector Trail I came in on earlier crested the slope on the right in this photo before dropping into the drainage.

Lang Mine Peak on the left.

Entering a drainage. On my ascent I took the Lang Mine Trail, which leads up toward the center. My descent follows the drainage.

Ascending the steep Lang Mine Trail.

The disappointing Lang Mine remains.

Lang Mine Peak summit, view northeast.

I continued off-trail to the summit of Lang Mine Peak. This is a view toward Mount Minerva Hoyt from the summit.

Along a social trail up toward Mount Minerva Hoyt.

View back. Lang Mine Peak seen on the left.

Mount Minerva Hoyt summit, view toward Quail Mountain (right). I took the slopes ridgeline on the left to reach it.

Along the sloped ridge, Quail Mountain seen ahead.

A nice social trail most of the way.

View back as I near the summit of Quail Mountain.

Quail Mountain summit, view toward Mount San Jacinto and Mount San Gorgonio.

Closer shot of Mount San Jacinto and Toro Peak.

Quail Mountain summit, view toward Joshua Tree.

On my way back, I took this drainage as a descent option rather than re-ascending Lang Mine Peak.
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