Starting from the Sheep Gulch Trailhead, taking the Colorado Trail.

Junction, continue straight toward Hope Pass.

View back as I ascend Sheep Gulch along the Colorado Trail. Huron Peak seen right, Missouri Mountain poking out on the left.

The trail is in great condition and switchbacks fairly steeply.

The Colorado Trail passes through a small talus field as the slope begins opening above tree line.

View back down Sheep Gulch.

Hope Pass somewhere center, ahead.

Another shot back.

Final set of switchbacks to Hope Pass.

Hope Pass, view back down Sheep Gulch. Missouri Mountain, Mount Belford, and Mount Oxford seen left.

View north from Hope Pass.

I headed up Quail Mountain first, seen ahead.

The slope was steep, and although there was a hint of a social trail switchbacking up the slope, I decided to just head directly up the ridge. There were social trail hints here, too.

View back toward Hope Pass, Mount Hope seen top.

I reached the top of the slope, then continued on pleasant tundra toward Quail Mountain.

Some talus-hopping along the way, but it was short-lived.

Quail Mountain summit, view toward an old cabin and the Collegiate Peaks in the distance.

Quail Mountain summit, view toward Oxford, Belford, Missouri, Huron 14ers.

After bactracking to Hope Pass, I started up Mount Hope. This is a shot looking back toward Quail Mountain after starting up.

Class 2 along the crest. I kept just left of the crest at times to avoid excessive rockiness.

More progress along the ridge crest to Mount Hope.

View back, Quail Mountain left and Sheep Gulch right.

Along the ridge up to Mount Hope.

Class 2 talus along the crest.

Looking back at my progress up Mount Hope.

I avoided a steeper face (seen right) by wrapping left around it.

View back down the Class 2 steeper stuff.

Final bit to the top of the rocky slope/ridge.

Class 2+ move to gain false summit.

Above the false summit, a nice tundra walk to the summit of Mount Hope.

Mount Hope summit, view west.

Mount Hope summit, view north. Mount Elbert seen left.

Mount Hope summit, view south.
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