Pinto Peak from Towne Pass. I headed left of center in this photo toward the drainage that's difficult to see in this photo.

The drainage that carved through weird-looking rock. I ascended on the left.

View back toward Towne Pass, my car teeny on the left. Towne Benchmark is up on the right.

Class 2 to gain the ascent slope.

Ascent slope for Pinto Peak.

View back toward Towne Benchmark.

Continuing up the slope.

Looking back again, the High Sierra visible back left.

Class 2 steep section.

View from the top of the steeper section toward Towne Pass.

Toward the top of the steep Class 2, I avoided the ridge crest and stayed on the more mellow bench-like slope until I found a straightforward route on the left to regain the ridge.

Back on the ridge, headed southeast.

Pinto Peak becomes visible on the left. Telescope Peak also visible top right.

Making progress along the long, sweeping ridge.

View back. It's not particularly exciting, but the vastness of Death Valley's peaks is always worthwhile.

Approaching the final uphill to Pinto Peak.

View back from just below Pinto Peak's summit.

Pinto Peak, view toward Telescope Peak.

On my way back down from Pinto Peak, view toward Towne Benchmark, my next objective.

Back at Towne Pass, view toward the Class 2 slope I ascended.

Along the Class 2 slope, view back toward Towne Pass and Pinto Peak.

Class 2 - the black boulders were often hidden by grasses, so there's more than it seems based on this photo.

View toward Tucki Mountain as I ascend.

Approaching the ridge, Towne Benchmark becoming visible ahead.

Finally! More interesting views. I continued along a social trail along the rim.

View back along the rim, Towne Pass on the left.

Continuing to Towne Benchmark, some occasional Class 2, like what's seen here.

View back toward Pinto Peak.

Towne Benchmark ahead.

Close-up of Peak 6620, center. It's really just a hump you have to go up and over on both the ascent and descent.

View back again.

Wide shot looking back, Pinto Peak top left, Telescope Peak top center.

Peak 6620, view toward Towne Benchmark.

Easy slope up to Towne Benchmark.

View back, Peak 6620 far left, Pinto Peak center, Telescope Peak top right.

Social trail to the summit of Towne Benchmark.

Towne Benchmark, view west.

Towne Benchmark, view southeast.

Towne Benchmark, view toward Panamint Butte and the High Sierra in the distance.
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