Turkey Flats Trailhead, Pinto Mountain seen right of center.

After a bit of desert walking, I made it to the top of a small sand dune. Pinto Mountain ahead.

Close-up toward the drainage NPS recommends ascending on the trailhead map. I took the right just to its right, which had a lovely social trail.

Nearing the mouth of the drainage, where the terrain was a bit more rocky. The ridge I ascended is seen right.

A social trail leads up and out of the drainage.

View back. I came up from the wash seen center. You can see the sand dune top center.

Class 2 along the ridge crest, which eases up in a bit. Plus a social trail keeps the going straightforward and not too tedious.

Close-up of the ridgeline. The social trail wraps around pretty much all the little humps rather than go over them.

Higher up, here the rock fades out a bit and the hiking is much easier.

View back, the social trail clearly visible.

Pinto Mountain seen ahead.

Another shot back.

Interesting variety of colors on the way up.

Close-up of the ascent to come.

Another shot back toward some cool color layers.

Nearing the steep, last few hundred feet of acent.

Class 2, though the social trail is still easy to follow.

A shot back at the top of the steepest section, the ridgeline I came up seen center.

Final bit of ascending on less steep terrain.

Nearing the flatter summit area.

Pinto Mountain just ahead.

Pinto Mountain summit, view north.

Pinto Mountain summit, view west.

Onward to complete the loop. This is the descent route I chose to take. It's one of the standard backcountry options. It heads down the slope seen center, then drops into the drainage on the left.

Class 2 rocky gully. The major wash I'm heading to is seen top center.

I came down from the gully left of center. It was kind of just garbage (in comparison to the ascent route).

A bunch of rock-hopping, a view back toward a narrow portion.

Finally I made it to the major wash.

Within the major wash.

View back through the desert. Pinto Mountain seen top right, my descent route came from the left.
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