Starting through a major, unnamed wash. Peak 2755 seen right of center, Pinto Benchmark nearly center.

Farther up the wash, Pinto (left) and Peak 2755 (right). I took a right at a junction in the wash to reach Peak 2755's base.

Ascending to Peak 2755's base.

Class 2 slope to gain the crest.

Really nice Class 2/3 knife-edge.

Peak 2755 summit just ahead.

Peak 2655 summit, view toward Pinto Benchmark (left) and the wash descent I'd use later seen center.

A Class 3 downclimb on the west side of Peak 2755.

Then a short, miserable Class 2 descent.

I crossed over the major wash and ascended this minor drainage to get over to Pinto Benchmark.

View back toward Peak 2755.

Approaching Pinto Benchmark's cliffy base. I was hopeful that the weakness seen center would work, and it did.

Approaching the weakness.

Class 3/3+.

View down the crux move.

View back after the Class 3/3+ move to get over the base cliff. Peak 2755 seen left of center.

A slope leads to the summit block, seen left.

Cool slickrock as I ascend to Pinto Benchmark.

Pinto Benchmark summit block ahead.

Class 3 to reach the summit.

Pinto Benchmark summit, view toward Devils Thumb (right) and Spirit Mountain (left).

A view at the colorful western reaches of Pinto Benchmark's summit area.

I descended this slope/gully.

Class 2/3 along the way.

Some fun narrows along the descent.

Within the main wash, Peak 2755 seen center.

Cool formations higher up within this wash.

Some nice narrows, too.

A spring! Totally unexpected. I was able to avoid the brush by hugging some rocks.

Some more short narrows before it opened up and I took the wash back to my car.
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