From the trailhead, a view up toward Pinnacle #1 (top right). We headed to the rocky slope explosion in the center.

Class 2 initially up the slope.

Nearing the base of Pinnacle #1's sheer south face.

View back at the talus slope.

At the base of Pinnacle #1, heading right around its east side.

View back.

Nice scenery and a pleasant ledge wraps us around.

The ledge wraps around Pinnacle #1's north ridge.

And then the ledge started fading away as we descended slightly. In the center/top you can see a more tame slope, the ascent we'd be taking. The route follows the base of the small cliff seen center.

And then a Class 3 set of moves leads up and over the small cliff to gain the more tame slope.

View back. Class 3 moves seen on the right.

Above the little cliff, view toward the sandstone mayhem above.

Class 3+ move.

View back at the Class 3+ move, where a huge hueco makes the climbing easier.

Class 2/2+ to the summit ridge past the crux.


View back at our progress.

At the summit ridge. Keeping to the crest results in Class 3, but you could wrap around to get to the summit by staying left.

View back along the crest.

Pinnacle #1 summit, view north.

Pinnacle #1 summit, view down the crazy sheer south face.
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