Pine Tree Loop from Aguirre Spring in Lincoln National Forest, NM

Hike Pine Tree Loop from Aguirre Spring Lincoln National Forest, NM

Class 1 4.2 miles 1200 gain 1-2 hr Loop Apr 8, 2016

Pine Tree Loop from Aguirre Spring GPX Track

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The Pine Tree Loop is an official trail in the Organ Mountains of New Mexico. Unlike most of the action in this range, it's located on the east side of the range. I was first inspired to hike the peaks of the Organs after seeing their jagged summits from along this trail. Starting from Aguirre Spring Campground, I did the Pine Tree Loop clockwise. The hike leads along a minor ridge for much of the time, switchbacking in and out of drainages and slowly making its way up to the base of the peaks, where you can spot Rabbit Ears, the dome-like Sugarloaf Peak, and the rest of The Needles. The trail is well-maintained and surprisingly lush for the Chihuahuan Desert.

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Starting along the Pine Tree Loop, Rabbit Ears visible on the right.
Starting along the Pine Tree Loop, Rabbit Ears visible on the right.
Ascending the well-maintained trail.
Ascending the well-maintained trail.
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The Needles visible ahead.
The Needles visible ahead.
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View back as I make my way to the highest reaches of the Pine Tree Loop.
View back as I make my way to the highest reaches of the Pine Tree Loop.
Image 6 from gallery
The jagged peaks of the Organ Mountains visible ahead.
The jagged peaks of the Organ Mountains visible ahead.
Sugarloaf Peak over there.
Sugarloaf Peak over there.
Nice views higher up.
Nice views higher up.
It was nice to have a trail through the  Chihuahuan Desert's foliage.
It was nice to have a trail through the Chihuahuan Desert's foliage.
Image 11 from gallery
A shot toward Sugarloaf Peak.
A shot toward Sugarloaf Peak.
View toward the Needles, seen on my way back.
View toward the Needles, seen on my way back.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!