Starting from the trailhead, we headed along the road and then traversed the desert, finding a wash. Pilot Cone visible top left, our first peak, Pilot Mesa top right.

After walking through the wash, we ascended the ridge toward Pilot Cone.

Pilot Cone.

Class 2 fun up Pilot Cone.

Pilot Cone summit, view toward Boulder City.

Pilot Cone summit, view toward Peak 3200 (left) and Pilot Mesa (right). We descended to the low and sloping ridge in the center of this photo.

Heading along the ridge toward Peak 3200.

Almost up Peak 3200, view back toward Pilot Mesa.

Peak 3200 ahead.

Peak 3200 summit, view toward Pilot Mesa. Our trailhead is somewhere on the left in the open desert.

Peak 3200 summit, heading down its northeast face on the way to peak 3161.

Looking back toward our descent from Peak 3200.

Peak 3161 ahead.

Easy Class 3 up to Peak 3161. You could likely keep it Class 2 by finding an easier way through the cliff bands, but it's a fun and short little section.

View back toward the way we came, Peak 3200 center top. We came up the wash in the center of the photo.

Shot of Austin coming up the Class 2 start of Peak 3161.

Class 2+ up Peak 3161.

Peak 3161 summit, view along the pretty ridgeline.

Continuing to Peak 3125.

View back toward Peak 3161, above Austin's head.

Along the ridge to Peak 3125.

View back.

View back.

Almost at the false, wide summit of Peak 3125.

Peak 3125, view toward Peak 3160, center left. That's our next goal.

Looking back from Peak 3125.

Peak 3160 center, Colorado River and the Black Canyon visible on the left.

Class 2 to get down to the saddle of Peak 3125 and Peak 3160.

On our way up Peak 3160, view back to Peak 3125.

Peak 3160 summit, view toward Peak 3125.

Peak 3160 summit, view south.

Peak 3160 summit, view west toward Pilot Mesa. Our route would lead up the slope in the center of this photo.

Heading up to Pilot Mesa.

View back toward Peak 3160 as we ascend Pilot Mesa.

Pilot Mesa's long walk.

Looking back as we continue along Pilot Mesa.

Pilot Mesa summit ahead on the right.

Pilot Mesa summit, view toward Pilot Cone (center).

A Class 2 gully we managed to find to get down from Pilot Mesa's rim. Likely other Class 2 options exist, as do some Class 3 ones.

View back toward Pilot Mesa.

Austin found a turtle shell!
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