Starting along the Arizona Trail, Picketpost Mountain seen ahead.

An easy creek crossing shortly after starting the hike.

A confusing trail junction. Keep right.

This unmarked trail comes in on the left, leaving the Arizona Trail.

View back down the way I came, the Picket Post Trailhead seen center.

The trail leads up the slope left of center, then heads right and into the gully splitting the cliffs.

Progress up the slope on the left toward the cliff. You can see the scrambly section seen center. The summit is out of view, but from down here I falsely assumed it was the point on the right.

Some Class 2 on the way up the slope. The hike leads first to the cliff wall on the left.

View back down one of the short Class 2 sections.

The trail approaches the cliff ahead and then traverses right, toward the gully.

Traversing, approaching the gully.

First Class 2/3 bit, which wraps around into the gully.

Just past the first scrambly section, I'd say this was the toughest move. A short Class 3 section up the crack seen left, made more difficult due to ice-covered rock. The hike keeps to the left side of the drainage, keeping out of the watercourse.

View down the crux move, Class 3.

More scrambling past the crux, steep and solid.

View down this next portion. You can see a man inspecting the crux portion below.

More fun scrambling, Class 2/3.

View back down the first sections of scrambling.

The trail continues ascending into a nice little nook.

Entering a Class 2 nook.

Trickling water cascades down slicker, sloped rock.

Class 2/3 up a featured chute (seen right), and then the route heads left to escape the gully.

View back down the gully from above the scrambling. I came up from the center in this photo.

Class 2+, exiting the gully. The trail leads up the slope ahead toward the upper cliff band ahead. It enters the drainage again for a short time later on.

Ascending toward the base of the upper cliff.

A short time in the drainage again.

Final bit of ascending off the slope and up toward the mesatop above.

Class 2 to get onto the grassy mesatop.

View back.

Pleasant stroll to the summit.

Another shot back as I near the summit, the Superstition Mountains seen in the distance.

Picketpost Mountain summit, view south.

View toward Pinal Peak.
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