Picacho Peak via Dodson Trail in Big Bend National Park, TX

Hike Picacho Peak via Dodson Trail Big Bend National Park, TX

Class 3 9.2 miles 2700 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back Feb 26, 2022

Picacho Peak via Dodson Trail GPX Track

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During my initial research around Big Bend National Park a few weeks ago, my eyes abruptly stopped on a darkly-shaded set of contours on a small lump that seemed to be completely overlooked by hikers. It wasn’t among the main summits around the Chisos Basin, but instead stood on its own a little to the south. Further research revealed that this peak has been provisionally named "Picacho Peak," but I couldn’t find much information about reaching its summit. I decided it looked too cool on a topo map to pass up, even if it meant a potential failure. Fortunately, I was able to reach the summit, and it was excellent.

I started out from the Blue Creek Overlook Parking area, dropping down along the Blue Creek Trail for a few hundred feet until I reached an early 20th-century ruin, the Homer Wilson Blue Creek Ranch. From the cute remains, I continued along the well-cairned Dodson Trail. The Dodson Trail is better known as part of the popular backpacking loop that circles above and below the South Rim within Big Bend National Park, but I would only be on it for a few miles in order to access the base of Picacho Peak. The Dodson Trail wrapped around Carousel Mountain, then dipped in and out of washes before ascending steadily to the east. The landscape began to open up and the views were really nice as I neared a minor saddle about 2/3 of the way to Picacho Peak. From this saddle, I could see the intimidating sheer west face of the peak, which got me pretty excited. I was fairly certain that the peak's northeast ridge would be the most viable option, given the otherwise impassable-looking cliffs guarding the summit. Fortunately, the northeast ridge was also the easiest spot to access based on where the trail led.

I continued along the Dodson Trail from the saddle, which dropped a few hundred feet as it descended to a junction with the Smoky Creek Trail. Once at this junction, I had to decide the best way to approach the northeast ridge of Picacho Peak. You’ll see two routes on my attached map. The western one was my descent route, and it was more brushy and quite loose. Though it's a bit more direct, I definitely don't recommend it as an ascent due to those unpleasant reasons, and I would suggest you take the eastern route out and back. The added bonus of the eastern route is that it offers some excellent views of Picacho Peak on the way up. From the Smoky Creek junction, I continued east along the Dodson Trail, which entered a gravel wash. I left this wash when the northern ridge of Picacho Peak became visible and I ascended the steep and somewhat brushy slope to gain the ridge. The ridgeline was mostly brush-free overall, and I could overlook the minor annoyances because Picacho Peak’s summit looked very cool and inviting. Some Class 2 later and a bit of side-hilling on the north side of the ridge crest to avoid unnecessary rock outcroppings and I was at the base of the summit pitch.

From here the route didn't actually look all that bad! I noted two possible ascent routes, both meeting back up about a hundred feet from the base. Keeping left would result in Class 2/2+ with some brush, but directly up the spine was lots of fun Class 3 on surprisingly solid rock and a lot less brush. Once the routes met up again, a fun Class 2/3 slab continued up along the spine, minimally exposed and quite nice. Past the slab was some light Class 2 rock-hopping until a short flat section and then the crux. The crux of the route is really only a single Class 3+ move with a nice hand hold. It's only about 4 feet, but the drops on either side are a little daunting. A fall would likely not result in a serious tumble, but it's still a little heady. Past this move, some light scrambling got me to the summit.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Picacho Peak
5917 ft
557 rise

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Starting from the trailhead. You can see the Homer Wilson Blue Creek Ranch below. Carousel Mountain visible top right. The Dodson Trail wraps around that peak.
Starting from the trailhead. You can see the Homer Wilson Blue Creek Ranch below. Carousel Mountain visible top right. The Dodson Trail wraps around that peak.
Homer Wilson Blue Creek Ranch.
Homer Wilson Blue Creek Ranch.
Starting along the Dodson Trail.
Starting along the Dodson Trail.
The Dodson Trail wraps around Carousel Mountain as it boops in and out of washes. The trail is cairned and easy to follow.
The Dodson Trail wraps around Carousel Mountain as it boops in and out of washes. The trail is cairned and easy to follow.
View back along the Dodson Trail.
View back along the Dodson Trail.
Ascending along the Dodson Trail.
Ascending along the Dodson Trail.
Image 6 from gallery
A switchback in the Dodson Trail, Carousel Mountain visible on the left.
A switchback in the Dodson Trail, Carousel Mountain visible on the left.
The Dodson Trail ascends to the saddle on the right in this photo.
The Dodson Trail ascends to the saddle on the right in this photo.
Just before the saddle, view back the way I came. The Dodson Trail came from the dip in the center of this photo.
Just before the saddle, view back the way I came. The Dodson Trail came from the dip in the center of this photo.
At the saddle, a view toward Picacho Peak (right). The Dodson Trail drops to the center of this photo.
At the saddle, a view toward Picacho Peak (right). The Dodson Trail drops to the center of this photo.
View back toward the saddle I came down from.
View back toward the saddle I came down from.
Along the Dodson Trail, Picacho Peak visible top right.
Along the Dodson Trail, Picacho Peak visible top right.
At the junction with the Smoky Creek Trail. I stayed along the Dodson Trail for a bit (left).
At the junction with the Smoky Creek Trail. I stayed along the Dodson Trail for a bit (left).
Just before leaving the Dodson Trail and ascending the slope on the right.
Just before leaving the Dodson Trail and ascending the slope on the right.
View back toward the Dodson Trail after ascending the somewhat brushy slope.
View back toward the Dodson Trail after ascending the somewhat brushy slope.
Along the north ridge, a great view of Picacho Peak.
Along the north ridge, a great view of Picacho Peak.
Along the ridge, a close-up toward Picacho Peak.
Along the ridge, a close-up toward Picacho Peak.
View back the way I came. Carousel Mountain in the distance on the left and the saddle I descended from previously. The Dodson Trail is on the far right, where I ascended from. My descent route later goes down the brushy drainage left of center, and I don't recommend going that way.
View back the way I came. Carousel Mountain in the distance on the left and the saddle I descended from previously. The Dodson Trail is on the far right, where I ascended from. My descent route later goes down the brushy drainage left of center, and I don't recommend going that way.
Along the ridge to Picacho Peak.
Along the ridge to Picacho Peak.
At the base of Picacho Peak after some light side-hilling.
At the base of Picacho Peak after some light side-hilling.
Close-up of the route. Class 2/2+ and brushier if you start on the left, fun Class 3 if you go directly up the spine.
Close-up of the route. Class 2/2+ and brushier if you start on the left, fun Class 3 if you go directly up the spine.
View back along the ridge. I side-hilled around the rock outcroppings in the center earlier.
View back along the ridge. I side-hilled around the rock outcroppings in the center earlier.
Class 3 along the spine.
Class 3 along the spine.
Fun Class 3.
Fun Class 3.
View back down where the Class 2/2+ route and the Class 3 spine route merge.
View back down where the Class 2/2+ route and the Class 3 spine route merge.
Next bit, a Class 2/3 slab.
Next bit, a Class 2/3 slab.
View down the Class 2/3 slabby stuff.
View down the Class 2/3 slabby stuff.
Wide shot from above the slab, back along the ridge.
Wide shot from above the slab, back along the ridge.
Class 2 for a bit.
Class 2 for a bit.
Short flat section and then the crux, seen center.
Short flat section and then the crux, seen center.
View down from the top of the Class 3+ crux.
View down from the top of the Class 3+ crux.
Picacho Peak summit, view toward the South Rim and Emory Peak.
Picacho Peak summit, view toward the South Rim and Emory Peak.
Picacho Peak, view southeast.
Picacho Peak, view southeast.
Picacho Peak, view west. Carousel Mountain visible top right.
Picacho Peak, view west. Carousel Mountain visible top right.
Close-up southwest.
Close-up southwest.
My less good descent route, view back up toward Picacho Peak.
My less good descent route, view back up toward Picacho Peak.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!