Peerless Peak's west ridge. Looks awful, doesn't it?

Ascending the slope to the ridge.

Loose on our way up to Peerless Peak.

View toward Ute Mountain (center) and Boundary Cone (right).

Class 2 all the way up Peerless Peak's ridge

View back down the ridge.

Class 3 short move with some exposure.

Close-up of the Class 3 section.

Close-up toward Ute Mountain (center) and Boundary Cone. We descended from Peerless Peak and headed into the gulch on the left.

After coming down from Peerless Peak, we crossed the desert and headed to a road that led up the gulch in the center of this photo.

Mining road.

End of the mining road, view back toward Peerless Peak.

Open mine shaft at the end of the road. We continued above it to the saddle visible top center.

View back as we ascend to the saddle.

Saddle we're going to visible top left. Our later descent route comes down from the right. The ridge above looks jagged, and it likely would have been more than we were comfortable with.

At the saddle, traversing beneath the ridge crest. Ute Mountain's summit is the bump in the center of this photo.

Looking back toward the saddle as we traverse beneath the ridge crest.

Ute Mountain center. An animal trail leads to the left of the rock rib in the center of this photo and then to a nice view point before the final scramble.

Looking back again - we ascended from the gulch in the center.

Ute Mountain ahead.

After ascending beneath the base of the ridge crest, we made it to the final scramble. Class 3.

Looking back along the ridge crest. We ascended from the shadowy section in the center.

Class 2+ to the summit of Ute Mountain. Some of the scrambling here was fun.

Summit of Ute Mountain, view toward Boundary Cone.

Close-up toward Peerless Peak. Oatman, AZ and Mount Nutt are visible in the distance.

Our descent route back into the gulch. Better coming down than going up.
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