Peak 5413 and Devil Peak Loop in State Line Hills BLM, NV

Hike Peak 5413 and Devil Peak Loop State Line Hills BLM, NV

Class 3 5.2 miles 3600 gain 4-6 hrs Loop Feb 1, 2020

Peak 5413 and Devil Peak Loop GPX Track

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Aftering doing a bunch of the canyons out in the State Line Hills, it was time to return to get a couple of the more prominent peaks in the area. Neither of these were particularly incredible, but it made for a nice day in the desert. I bagged Peak 5413 and Devil Peak. I'd say overall the route I took was pretty good if loops are your thing, but if slogging up scree for 1000+ feet isn't your thing, maybe skip this one or do Devil Peak as an out-and-back. Google doesn't take you the correct way to the trailhead. Instead, navigate to this underpass: 35.7151286,-115.3642429 and follow the dirt road southwest. The road was in decent condition, requiring moderate clearance and going slowly at points when it gets rocky.

I parked at the mouth of the canyon that leads to an old mine, but started south instead of entering the canyon, intending to do Peak 5413 first. The cliffs made it seem a bit tedious, but there are at least two routes up. Last year when doing Antenna Canyon, we ascended from the north (included on the attached map in purple, which passes the old mine). It was a steeper option and not as interesting, but worked well. The route I took today wrapped around the left side Peak 5413's northeast ridge, a route I learned of from Bob Burd. It requires following a nice wide Class 2 limestone ledge system using a fairly gradual ascent on the south side of the cliff face. It led to a mostly flat ridge that continued to the base of Peak 5413's summit, which appeared to be a maze of crumbly cliffs. A short Class 2+ couple hundred feet took a teeny bit of thought to get past these cliffs and keep the route at Class 2. From the simmit of Peak 5413, I scoped out the south face of Devil Peak, which looked just awful. I considered briefly returning the way I came and just doing Devil Peak as an out-and-back, and honestly I'd probably recommend doing it that way instead. The slope appeared to be pure scree the whole way up, and looked incredibly steep.

I dropped to the north along the ridge from Peak 5413, encountering a couple of Class 3 cliff band moves. You could down-climb a few of these, but with a little thinking I kept the route to very low Class 3. I ended up at the saddle of Peak 5413 and Devil Peak, the scree looking a little less rough from here than it did from Peak 5413. I started up, and it really wasn't too bad. There were a few slightly scary sections due to the steepness and poor rock quality, which is the main reason why I rated this route Class 3 even though there weren't any real climbing moves.  I did find myself using  all four limbs to try to be more efficient as the rocks constantly kept sliding out from under me.

Eventually, I made it to the summit of Devil Peak where I was surprised to find someone else up there. What were the chances? We chatted for a bit and then I headed down on the standard route along Devil Peak's east slope. There were cairns and a social trail until the end, where I just traversed the slope down into the mouth of the canyon where I parked. In hindsight, the hike would have been a bit more enjoyable had I just descended from the canyon separating the two peaks and then ascended Devil Peak via the standard route up its east ridge, but the south slope was definitely a bit more adventurous.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Peak 5413
5413 ft
1017 rise
Devil Peak
5883 ft
1443 rise

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Starting south from the mouth of the canyon toward the slope on the left. The alternative route heads up the canyon.
Starting south from the mouth of the canyon toward the slope on the left. The alternative route heads up the canyon.
Along the south side of the cliffs on a pleasant limestone ramp/ledge.
Along the south side of the cliffs on a pleasant limestone ramp/ledge.
Looking back as I make my way up.
Looking back as I make my way up.
Class 2 along the ledge.
Class 2 along the ledge.
View back at the steepest section as I continue along the ledge (ledge visible left, it's wider than it looks in this photo).
View back at the steepest section as I continue along the ledge (ledge visible left, it's wider than it looks in this photo).
Above the steep section, I emerged onto the slopes south of Peak 5413.
Above the steep section, I emerged onto the slopes south of Peak 5413.
Peak 5413 ahead.
Peak 5413 ahead.
Base of Peak 5413.
Base of Peak 5413.
Class 2/3 moves to the summit.
Class 2/3 moves to the summit.
Peak 5413, view toward Devil Peak (left) and the trailhead (right).
Peak 5413, view toward Devil Peak (left) and the trailhead (right).
Peak 5413 summit, view east.
Peak 5413 summit, view east.
Heading down the north side of Peak 5413 toward Devil Peak.
Heading down the north side of Peak 5413 toward Devil Peak.
View back toward Peak 5413 (top right). You can see some Class 2/3 cliff band obstacles that I came down.
View back toward Peak 5413 (top right). You can see some Class 2/3 cliff band obstacles that I came down.
Nearing the saddle, Devil Peak ahead.
Nearing the saddle, Devil Peak ahead.
Starting up Devil Peak from the saddle.
Starting up Devil Peak from the saddle.
Looking back at the scree and loose terrain that comprises the entirety of Devil Peak's ascent.
Looking back at the scree and loose terrain that comprises the entirety of Devil Peak's ascent.
Class 2/3.
Class 2/3.
Another shot back as I near the top of the scree slope.
Another shot back as I near the top of the scree slope.
Close-up of the awful route.
Close-up of the awful route.
Ridge to Devil Peak.
Ridge to Devil Peak.
Summit of Devil Peak ahead.
Summit of Devil Peak ahead.
Devil Peak, view toward Peak 5413 (right).
Devil Peak, view toward Peak 5413 (right).
Devil Peak, view north.
Devil Peak, view north.
Heading down Devil Peak's east ridge. There was a nice social trail much of the way.
Heading down Devil Peak's east ridge. There was a nice social trail much of the way.
Along the ridge.
Along the ridge.
View back up toward the ridge I descnded.
View back up toward the ridge I descnded.
Within the canyon headed back to my car. View looking back toward Devil Peak, which is poking out in the center.
Within the canyon headed back to my car. View looking back toward Devil Peak, which is poking out in the center.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!