We hiked along a BLM road for a bit. Fig Peak seen on the right. Our goal was a drainage seen right of center.

Entering the drainage, separated by a cool-looking fin on the left and Fig Peak on the right.

Entering Mount Nutt Wilderness.

Unexpectedly cool scenery, complete with flowing water.

Narrower portion within the drainage.

It was sometimes brushy, but animal trails helped keep the bushwhacking minimal.

Fun water features.

View back as the canyon began opening up.

And then we were into the gorgeous open desert.

Colorful eroded cliffs within the Mount Nutt Wilderness.

View back into the drainage after we located a Class 2 brushy slope to ascend.

Above this brushy slope, a steeper and not brushy slope took us higher. Left of center you can see the saddle we used for our descent loop later. Right of center is our miraculous Class 3 gully.

Ascending to the Class 3 gully, which had some brush to deal with at its base.

View back as we enter the gully.

Class 2 mostly.

Short Class 3 section.

View down the gully.

Class 3 move.

View down the Class 3 move.

Higher up, the gully ends at a small arch (where friends are standing). A Class 3 move leads out of the gully and up onto a slope.

Higher up, another Class 3 move.

And then onto a grassy slope. We ascended to a rocky spine above.

Rocky spine, though that's not the high point.

We followed the spine on the ascent, but kept to its right later.

Spine seen left, easier slope option seen center. Fig Peak seen on the right.

Approaching Fig Peak.

Chris/Matt looking at a loose Class 3/4 chute. I recommend heading left and following the cliff base.

Fun Class 3 option instead.

View back as we wrap around the east side of the peak.

Class 2/2+ to gain the summit from the southwest side.

Fig Peak summit, view toward Mount Nutt.

Fig Peak summit, view west down into our ascent route drainage. The trailhead is on the left out of frame.

After backtracking down the miraculous gully, we headed up to the saddle seen right of center in order to form a loop.

View back down as we near the saddle.

At the saddle, we headed down this rocky slope.

View back up as we descend.

An interesting section with flowing water.

Entering open desert.

View back at our descent, gorgeous monoliths seen above.

We hiked along Quartzsite Road (not really a road at this point) for a bit, then just continued through open desert back to the BLM road we hiked in on.
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