Little Pupfish Peak (Peak 4112) in Southern Nevada District BLM, NV

Hike Little Pupfish Peak (Peak 4112) Southern Nevada District BLM, NV

Class 2 2.5 miles 1400 gain 1-2 hr Out + Back Mar 22, 2020

Little Pupfish Peak (Peak 4112) GPX Track

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After the recent renaming of this peak (Peak 4112)'s adjacent higher point Pupfish Peak, I decided to call this peak Little Pupfish Peak since that sounds better than "Peak 4112". If someone who hiked this peak before me is upset by this, let me know.

Austin was sick of hiking uphill, so he ran the dirt road for extra exercise while I got this little peak because I've got the peakbagging sickness to the max. I pushed myself hard on this one, practically running up and down to tire myself out. It might have just been a cardio high, but I thought this was a really cute, fun little summit north of Pahrump that needs only a couple of hours and the knowledge that it exists.

The road leading out to the trailhead was a little rocky, but fine for pretty much any car moving slowly. I left the road and headed southeast through the desert toward a minor drainage, the first I encountered. Some light Class 2 brought me to the head of the drainage and then up to the west ridge of Little Pupfish Peak, Class 2. The ridge mellowed out a bit as it gained vertical. A short Class 2+ move along the summit ridge served as the only real obstacle on the route. A somewhat steep, but still pleasant slope led to the summit. Great views north toward the cliffs bands on Pupfish Peak's south face.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Little Pupfish Peak (Peak 4112)
4112 ft
1132 rise

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Heading into the minor drainage visible center. Little Pupfish Peak visible up top.
Heading into the minor drainage visible center. Little Pupfish Peak visible up top.
Within the drainage.
Within the drainage.
Looking back from the top of the drainage. Pupfish Peak visible top right.
Looking back from the top of the drainage. Pupfish Peak visible top right.
A slope followed by some Class 2 along the approach ridge.
A slope followed by some Class 2 along the approach ridge.
Looking back toward the drainage I came up. My car is somewhere near the little blob in the center of this photo.
Looking back toward the drainage I came up. My car is somewhere near the little blob in the center of this photo.
Continuing along the ridge to Little Pupfish Peak, visible ahead.
Continuing along the ridge to Little Pupfish Peak, visible ahead.
Looking back along the ridge.
Looking back along the ridge.
Approaching the summit.
Approaching the summit.
A single Class 2+ move along the ridge.
A single Class 2+ move along the ridge.
Final approach to the summit.
Final approach to the summit.
View back along the ridge. Pupfish Peak visible top right.
View back along the ridge. Pupfish Peak visible top right.
Little Pupfish Peak summit, view south.
Little Pupfish Peak summit, view south.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!