Starting up Whipple Wash. Peak 2840 far left, Peak 2562 left of center, Scone Peak right. We left Whipple Wash shortly after hiking in it for a smaller side drainage.

A Class 3 dryfall within our side drainage.

The drainage got brushy, so we headed up the rocky slope, heading for the saddle seen right of center.

View back at our progress up the drainage and slope.

Class 2/3 up the slope. Our saddle is currently shrouded in sunlight. It looks like a cliff from here.

Class 2/3 ramp somehow comes into view on the left.


Above the ramp at the saddle, Peak 2562 seen ahead. First we went up to Peak 2840.

The ridge was cliffy, so we kept to the right up a slope/ramp.

View back toward the saddle, Peak 2562 seen up top.

At the top of the slope/ramp, we hit a cliff and were forced to ascend. Fortunately, it was a fun Class 2 endeavor with some Class 3 fun.

View back down at some of the scrambling.

Peak 2840 ahead, viewed along the ridgeline.

Peak 2840 summit, view southeast along the crest.

Monument Mountain seen left.

Close-up toward our next peak, Peak 2562. We ascended it to the left of its ridge crest on the slope in the center.

Ascending from the saddle.

View back toward Peak 2840.

Class 2/3 to reach the summit of Peak 2562.

A view into Whipple wash and the amazing peaks at its mouth near Lake Havasu.

Summit of Peak 2562, view toward Peak 2840.

Close-up into the narrows of Whipple Wash.

Starting down from Peak 2562, leading southwest. Lots of slickrock, Class 2 stuff, etc.

And some fun Class 3 scrambles to avoid little cliff bands, which were plentiful.

Progress down the slope, Whipple Wash still far below.

View back up at Peak 2562, our progress so far.

Another cliff band to overcome.

We reached what looked like a cliff, but descended this wide gully. Along the way there were some fun Class 3 dryfalls.

And to our extreme surprise/happiness, there was a Class 2/3 way down at the base of an eroded cave (seen sort of left).

View back at the miraculous weakness, the cave on the right.

View back at the weakness (left). The cliffs are otherwise impassable over here.

Heading down a side drainage toward Whipple Wash.

A close-up toward an incredible cave over there.

We left our side drainage in order to get higher up in Whipple Wash, where we ascended out of it using the slope ahead. A ramp leads left of venter below the serious-looking cliff in sunlight.

Class 2 up the slope.

A Class 3 move to get onto the ledge.

Whipple wash seen left. The wide ramp/ledge wraps around the cliff base safely.

Close-up into Whipple Wash's narrows.

Scone Peak seen right of center. We were separated by a massive gully. We side-hilled to the left and approached from the west ridge, over the sub-peak seen ahead.

After side-hilling, we started up. Class 2/3 stuff up the west ridge.

Scone Peak seen left, Peak 2562 center.

Class 2/3 up a short spiral to reach the summit.

Scone Peak summit, view toward Peak 2562.

View down into Whipple Wash. The car is on the right in the wash somewhere.

We backtracked a bit and dropped off the west side. A burro trail brought us down to the drainage below.

A big dryfall within the drainage. We came down from the top right. A burro trail wraps around the dryfall on the opposite side of the drainage.

The burro trail got us down into the drainage, which we followed back to Whipple Wash.
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