Parker Dam Dessert Loop in Whipple Mountains BLM, CA

Hike Parker Dam Dessert Loop Whipple Mountains BLM, CA

Class 3 8.1 miles 4500 gain 6-8 hrs Loop Feb 20, 2020

Parker Dam Dessert Loop GPX Track

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Nope, not a typo. This loop's proximity to other peaks with dessert-themed names, and the fact that desert is regularly misspelled as dessert warranted the hike name. Located within the craggy peak section of the southeastern Whipple Mountains, this loop ended up being very interesting. After visiting the little peaklets around Whipple Wash about a year ago, I've wanted to return to check out some of the unnamed peaks in the area. These scrambly peaks are rugged and require some fun route-finding. Despite the fact that they're mostly well-guarded by cliffs, we hoped we could formulate a loop route. Following the dessert-themed peak names in the area (Cupcake, Muffin), and because I prefer to refer to peaks by names rather than numbers, Whiley and I went a little overboard and provisionally named the ones we summitted today. We did Peak 2037 ("Pie in the Sky"), Peak 1990 ("Lemon Meringue" (because the little fluffy parts on lemon meringue pie are called "peaks" (yes, it's a stretch))), Peak 1540 ("Bundt Butte"), and Peak 2056 ("Cherry Top"). Yeah, clearly we've been spending too much time in the desert and are going a little crazy. Anyway!

Starting from a pull-off on Black Meadow Road, we headed first to the north to Pie in the Sky, simply because it looked very inviting from the road. We noted three trianglular-shaped rock outcroppings, and headed for the notch between the left two. A walk through a rocky wash led from the road to this short Class 3 section. Some Class 2 brought us north to a saddle just below Pie in the Sky. We navigated realyl fun ledges, encountering lots of Class 2/Class 2+ to the summit. The views were exciting, especially because we could see the next peaks we planned to do. We returned to the car the way we came.

Back at the car, we now headed southeast toward Lemon Meringue, a Class 2 gully system leading to a cliff, which had been visible from the road. We kept to the right of this cliff and encountered a Class 3 section of fun scrambling to gain the southern ridge of Lemon Meringue, which we followed to the summit. Cherry Top, which would beour last peak of the loop, looked impossibly steep from here. The other Whipple Mountains peaklets to the south were enticing (for another trip). The psych was high.

Still on Lemon Meringue, we peered south along the very steep and cliffy ridgeline in the hopes we'd spot a route down to get the other peaks rather than back-tracking. We were almost convinced we wouldn't find a way, but headed along the rim anyway. We noticed a weakness shortly after, but it appeared to cliff out farther down. Taking a risk, we started descending and were able to find a Class 3 route to the base of the cliffs. A steep and rocky slope led us into the basin-esque formation to the east of Lemon Meringue, where we began traversing the washes and ridges to Bundt Butte. A loose slope led to the southern side of this minor peak, where a tough-looking cliff band barred easy access. We dropped down to the right about 50 feet, following the cliff, until we noted a massive boulder that allowed a Class 3 scramble to get over the cliff band. Another Class 3 set of moves led to a shallow cave. Wrapping around the left side of this cave, a slightly exposed Class 3 shuffle led along the top of the cave and to higher, safer ground. Class 2 led to the summit. I thought this was a super fun, cryptic little peak.

Back at the base of Bundt Butte, we headed to the last peak of the loop, Cherry Top. A steep slope brought us to the base of our intended route, which appeared to be the only weakness on the entire peak. It stands out becaue a diagonal line of brush marks it as something slightly more manageable than just sheer rock. I'll call it a gully, but it barely counts as one. Fortunately, a series of fun Class 3 moves brought us up the initial set of cliff face. A few hundred feet up the gully and some minor route-finding brought us through to a Class 3+ brushy baby canyon with ladder-like holds. This canyon can be avoided by wrapping around to the left, but the scrambling is short and fun. Really fun Class 2/2+ scramblnig led us to the summit of Cherry Top, where we took in the views of the impressive ridgeline and Lake Havasu.

Back at the base of Cherry Top, we noted a well-defined animal trail (from donkeys maybe?) below and headed toward it. It might be tempting to just drop down into the gully at the base of Cherry Top, but I recommend keeping to the left on the way down to avoid sketchy and annoying scrambling, and to take advantage of the lovely animal-made trail. This trail leads north back to Black Meadow Road, which we then followed back to the car. I also need to note how incredibly sheer and impressive Cherry Top looks from the road. This loop was a lot of fun.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Pie in the Sky (Peak 2037)
2037 ft
834 rise
Lemon Meringue (Peak 1990)
1990 ft
750 rise
Bundt Butte (Peak 1540)
1520 ft
320 rise
Cherry Top (Peak 2056)
2056 ft
936 rise

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Pie in the sky is first. It's hidden behind the feature on the right. We went to the notch in the center of this photo.
Pie in the sky is first. It's hidden behind the feature on the right. We went to the notch in the center of this photo.
Looking back toward the trailhead (center). Lemon Meringue visible center. Cherry Top visible top left. Whiley is coming up the short Class 3 section in the notch.
Looking back toward the trailhead (center). Lemon Meringue visible center. Cherry Top visible top left. Whiley is coming up the short Class 3 section in the notch.
Just past a short Class 3 section from the notch, continuing north. We headed up the drainage on the left before ascending. Going up to the center was tempting, but I'm not sure it would have gone anywhere.
Just past a short Class 3 section from the notch, continuing north. We headed up the drainage on the left before ascending. Going up to the center was tempting, but I'm not sure it would have gone anywhere.
View back the way we came, Lemon Meringue visible top left.
View back the way we came, Lemon Meringue visible top left.
Class 2/2+ fun blocky slab stuff leading to the summit.
Class 2/2+ fun blocky slab stuff leading to the summit.
Looking back as we ascend to Pie in the Sky.
Looking back as we ascend to Pie in the Sky.
Pie in the Sky summit, view south. Lemon Meringue visible center, Cherry Top left, Bundt Butte between the two.
Pie in the Sky summit, view south. Lemon Meringue visible center, Cherry Top left, Bundt Butte between the two.
Pie in the Sky summit, view toward Lake Havasu.
Pie in the Sky summit, view toward Lake Havasu.
Back at the trailhead, we started toward Lemon Meringue via the green-ish slope on the right.
Back at the trailhead, we started toward Lemon Meringue via the green-ish slope on the right.
View back toward Pie in the Sky as we ascend.
View back toward Pie in the Sky as we ascend.
We headed to the break in the cliff above.
We headed to the break in the cliff above.
Class 2 to get to the break to the right of the sheer cliff visible ahead.
Class 2 to get to the break to the right of the sheer cliff visible ahead.
Vie back at our progress.
Vie back at our progress.
Approaching the break in the cliff.
Approaching the break in the cliff.
Class 3 section to gain the southern ridge of Lemon Meringue.
Class 3 section to gain the southern ridge of Lemon Meringue.
View back down the Class 3 ascent.
View back down the Class 3 ascent.
Lemon Meringue, view toward Bundt Butte (right) and Cherry Top ( left). Cherry Top looked quite impossible from here.
Lemon Meringue, view toward Bundt Butte (right) and Cherry Top ( left). Cherry Top looked quite impossible from here.
Heading south along the ridge, hoping for a route down on the left.
Heading south along the ridge, hoping for a route down on the left.
We found one! Class 2 for a bit, with a couple of easy Class 3 moves brought us below the cliffs.
We found one! Class 2 for a bit, with a couple of easy Class 3 moves brought us below the cliffs.
View back toward the Class 3 downclimb from Lemon Meringue.
View back toward the Class 3 downclimb from Lemon Meringue.
At the base of Lemon Meringue via our descent route, Bundt Butte (far right) next on the list.
At the base of Lemon Meringue via our descent route, Bundt Butte (far right) next on the list.
View back toward the cliffs we descended from.
View back toward the cliffs we descended from.
Bundt Butte ahead on the left.
Bundt Butte ahead on the left.
Bundt Butte ahead, a few minor drainnages slowing direct access.
Bundt Butte ahead, a few minor drainnages slowing direct access.
View back toward Lemon Meringue as we start up Bundt Butte on its southwest side.
View back toward Lemon Meringue as we start up Bundt Butte on its southwest side.
We wrapped around to the south side and found a Class 3 move off a boulder.
We wrapped around to the south side and found a Class 3 move off a boulder.
We kept to the left of the shallow cave visible ahead and ascended on more Class 3. A route led along a lightly-exposed ledge just above the cave.
We kept to the left of the shallow cave visible ahead and ascended on more Class 3. A route led along a lightly-exposed ledge just above the cave.
Starting up the left side of the cave on Class 3.
Starting up the left side of the cave on Class 3.
Looking back at the lightly exposed ledge above the cave. Class 2 followed to the summit.
Looking back at the lightly exposed ledge above the cave. Class 2 followed to the summit.
Bundt Butte summit, view toward our peaks. Lemon Meringue on the left, Pie in the Sky just right of it in the distance, and Cherry Top top right.
Bundt Butte summit, view toward our peaks. Lemon Meringue on the left, Pie in the Sky just right of it in the distance, and Cherry Top top right.
Bundt Butte summit, view south.
Bundt Butte summit, view south.
Bundt Butte behind Whiley, on our way to Cherry Top.
Bundt Butte behind Whiley, on our way to Cherry Top.
Cherry Top route ahead (center). It seemed to be the only possible option.
Cherry Top route ahead (center). It seemed to be the only possible option.
Initial Class 3 move to get into the gully that runs diagonally up the face. It's not really a gully, but I don't know what else to call it.
Initial Class 3 move to get into the gully that runs diagonally up the face. It's not really a gully, but I don't know what else to call it.
The "gully".
The "gully".
Looking back down the gully, Class 2 most of the time with some Class 3 mixed in. Whiley is in a brushy baby canyon that could have been avoided, but it was some fun Class 3+.
Looking back down the gully, Class 2 most of the time with some Class 3 mixed in. Whiley is in a brushy baby canyon that could have been avoided, but it was some fun Class 3+.
View toward Bundt Butte (left) and Lemon Meringue (top right).
View toward Bundt Butte (left) and Lemon Meringue (top right).
Class 2 to the summit.
Class 2 to the summit.
Looking back toward Whiley as we ascend to Cherry Top.
Looking back toward Whiley as we ascend to Cherry Top.
Lemon Meringue over there.
Lemon Meringue over there.
Cherry Top summit, view southeast.
Cherry Top summit, view southeast.
Cherry Top summit, view west. Lemon Meringue visible on the left.
Cherry Top summit, view west. Lemon Meringue visible on the left.
Back down from Cherry Top, view toward the "gully". It's in the center of the photo, marked by a green diagonal brush line.
Back down from Cherry Top, view toward the "gully". It's in the center of the photo, marked by a green diagonal brush line.
Heading north, view back toward Bundt Butte.
Heading north, view back toward Bundt Butte.
Burro trail led us north back to the road.
Burro trail led us north back to the road.
Along a burro trail, view back toward the northern side of Cherry Top.
Along a burro trail, view back toward the northern side of Cherry Top.

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