Boucher Lookout via Doane Valley Loop in Palomar Mountain State Park, CA

Hike Boucher Lookout via Doane Valley Loop Palomar Mountain State Park, CA

Class 1 9.1 miles 1600 gain 4-6 hrs Loop Dec 4, 2017

Boucher Lookout via Doane Valley Loop GPX Track

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I did this hike a few years ago, but wanted to revisit for no particular reason, except maybe to see how my memory changed. This nice loop hits pretty much the entirety of Palomar Mountain State Park. Starting at Doane Pond, follow the Thunder Spring Trail southeast until the juntion with the Chimney Flats Trail, which leads to Scott's Cabin Trail. There are lots of trail names, but they're well-marked and you can't get too lost since it's a fairly small park. Rather than head up the Boucher Lookout Trail beacuse it seemed to stay very close to the roads, I followed the Scott's Cabin Trail and went up the Adams Trail, which led to the Boucher Lookout. The views here were the best of the hike for sure, even though you could have just driven to the Boucher Lookout. After visiting the high point, continue along the Baptist Trial and check out the Weir Historic Site, a nice ruin on a stream. Continue up the Lower Doane Valley Trail and Loop back on the French Valley Trail. You could just follow a paved road back to the trailhead, but I decided to take the Nature Trail, which ended up being really nice and had a lush stream toward the end.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Boucher Hill
5438 ft
278 rise

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Starting southeast on the Thunder Spring Trail from Doane Pond.
Starting southeast on the Thunder Spring Trail from Doane Pond.
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Along the Chimney Flats Trail, mostly a forest road.
Along the Chimney Flats Trail, mostly a forest road.
Along the Scott's Cabin Trail, passing a Historic Orchard.
Along the Scott's Cabin Trail, passing a Historic Orchard.
Scott's Cabin site.
Scott's Cabin site.
Scott's Cabin takes you down a hill with some nice views.
Scott's Cabin takes you down a hill with some nice views.
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The trail continues down and crosses a road, entering the Cedar Grove Group Campground.
The trail continues down and crosses a road, entering the Cedar Grove Group Campground.
After passing through the campground, you'll get to a junction with the Adams Trail and the Baptist Trail. I went up the Adams Trail first to hit the Boucher Lookout.
After passing through the campground, you'll get to a junction with the Adams Trail and the Baptist Trail. I went up the Adams Trail first to hit the Boucher Lookout.
Heading toward Boucher Lookout.
Heading toward Boucher Lookout.
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Great views near the Boucher Lookout.
Great views near the Boucher Lookout.
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Boucher Lookout on the top right. There was someone volunteering in the fire tower.
Boucher Lookout on the top right. There was someone volunteering in the fire tower.
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Boucher Lookout.
Boucher Lookout.
Boucher Lookout view.
Boucher Lookout view.
Back at the junction before heading up to Boucher Lookout, this is along the Baptist Trail heading toward Weir Historic Site.
Back at the junction before heading up to Boucher Lookout, this is along the Baptist Trail heading toward Weir Historic Site.
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Continuing along the Weir Trail to Weir Historic Site.
Continuing along the Weir Trail to Weir Historic Site.
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Weir Historic Site.
Weir Historic Site.
Weir Historic Site.
Weir Historic Site.
Heading around the Lower Doane Valley Trail.
Heading around the Lower Doane Valley Trail.
Along the French Valley Trail.
Along the French Valley Trail.
Hairpin turn on the French Valley Trail.
Hairpin turn on the French Valley Trail.
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Big tree fallen on the French Valley Trail.
Big tree fallen on the French Valley Trail.
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French Valley Trail meets with the Nature Trail.
French Valley Trail meets with the Nature Trail.
Big cedar tree (right) along the Nature Trail.
Big cedar tree (right) along the Nature Trail.
Lush sections along the Nature Trail.
Lush sections along the Nature Trail.
Nature Trail leads back to the Doane Pond.
Nature Trail leads back to the Doane Pond.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!