Palmer Canyon Narrows via The Badlands in Death Valley National Park, CA

Hike Palmer Canyon Narrows via The Badlands Death Valley National Park, CA

Class 2 4.8 miles 900 gain 2-4 hrs Out + Back Jan 21, 2017

Palmer Canyon Narrows via The Badlands GPX Track

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Palmer Canyon is a pretty slot canyon accessed via a desert stroll and a region called "The Badlands". It was a good excursion since we came through Titus Canyon and landed at this trailhead. We set out to the north along the standard Fall Canyon route to the alluvial fan draining from Fall Canyon. We crossed the wash and continued west through a gravel-filled wash, where we lost some elevation in order to follow the path of least resistance. This wash crossed another drainage, and eventually took us into The Badlands, where colorful rock and interesting formations lined the walls of the canyon choices we made. Additionally, we passed a small crumbly arch and a bunch of yellow hoodoos. Our route worked pretty well, and led us into the alluvial fan that drained from Palmer Canyon. We headed in and turned around after the first set of narrows. I'm sure the canyon continues to be pretty later on, but we were content with not trying to navigate The Badlands in the dark on the way back.

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Starting along the Fall Canyon Trail.
Starting along the Fall Canyon Trail.
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Fall Canyon up ahead.
Fall Canyon up ahead.
We crossed the wash draining from Fall Canyon, pictured here, and located another wash on the other side.
We crossed the wash draining from Fall Canyon, pictured here, and located another wash on the other side.
Heading into the wash on the other side of the Fall Canyon alluvial fan.
Heading into the wash on the other side of the Fall Canyon alluvial fan.
Within a wash that sort of inconveniently lost some elevation that we'd have to re-gain, but it was better than going up and down the hills to make the route more direct.
Within a wash that sort of inconveniently lost some elevation that we'd have to re-gain, but it was better than going up and down the hills to make the route more direct.
Still within the wash, heading toward north now toward the Badlands, seen ahead.
Still within the wash, heading toward north now toward the Badlands, seen ahead.
A pretty canyon with a crumbly arch.
A pretty canyon with a crumbly arch.
Crumbly arch within the approach canyon to The Badlands.
Crumbly arch within the approach canyon to The Badlands.
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Lots of colors as we approached The Badlands.
Lots of colors as we approached The Badlands.
Hoodoos of The Badlands.
Hoodoos of The Badlands.
More hoodoos. We worked around them in canyons and drainages.
More hoodoos. We worked around them in canyons and drainages.
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Looking back the way we came as we head out of The Badlands in order to get to Palmer Canyon.
Looking back the way we came as we head out of The Badlands in order to get to Palmer Canyon.
Another shot looking back at The Badlands (left) and the maze of drainages that are possible approach routes. I couldn't tell you which one we took to get here.
Another shot looking back at The Badlands (left) and the maze of drainages that are possible approach routes. I couldn't tell you which one we took to get here.
Dropping down into the alluvial fan leading to Palmer Canyon.
Dropping down into the alluvial fan leading to Palmer Canyon.
Mouth of Palmer Canyon.
Mouth of Palmer Canyon.
Narrows shortly after entering Palmer Canyon.
Narrows shortly after entering Palmer Canyon.
Some easy scrambling.
Some easy scrambling.
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Very pretty narrows within Palmer Canyon.
Very pretty narrows within Palmer Canyon.
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Palmer Canyon eventually opened up. This is looking back into the narrows from the wide section. We turned around here.
Palmer Canyon eventually opened up. This is looking back into the narrows from the wide section. We turned around here.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!