Starting from the Pony Park Day Use Area parking lot, I followed this dirt road and located a spur social trail to gain the PCT.

Along the PCT, looking back toward Mill Creek Summit.

The PCT wraps along the slopes and leads left of where the sun is coming up.

Pretty trail along the steep slope.

Some encroaching spring brush, but the PCT was in excellent shape.

The PCT weaves in and out of gullies as it skirts the slopes.

Eventually it reaches a ridge and follows it. Pacifico Mountain on the left.

Pretty section away from the brushy slope. Granite Mountain seen on the right poking up.

Ascending along the ridge, Pacifico Mountain seen left.

View back along the ridge.

The PCT then skirts the slope again.

View back along the slope.

This was a vey pretty section of the hike.

Wide shot back.

Pacifico Mountain visible ahead.

Another shot back.

Nearing the saddle on the west side of Pacifico Mountain.

The PCT does not reach the summit, but this well-beaten social trail climbs steeply up.

View back, Granite Mountain seen center.

Ascending to Pacifico Mountain.

Just below the summit, a view back. The lump in the distant center is Mount Gleason.

Summit boulders of Pacifico Mountain, the true high point.

True summit pillar.

On top of the summit pinnacle of Pacifico Mountain. You can see the Class 4 moves for the summit pillar below.

Picnic tables at the summit.

Along Pacifico Mountain Road.

Granite Mountain seen left.

Along the Round Top Truck Trail to access Granite Mountain.

Granite Mountain ahead.

Off-trail to gain the summit.

Easy walking up the ridge/slope.

View back along the ascent to Granite Mountain, Pacifico Mountain seen on the right.

Granite Mountain summit.

Granite Mountain summit view, looking west.

Back on the Pacifico Mountain Road, which I took back.

A quick spur trail that cuts off a switchback in the road. The trailhead is seen on the right, below.
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