Owl Canyon Trailhead.

Shortly after entering Owl Canyon, some bright eroded badlands.

Some cool formations along the sides of the canyon.

Looking back at some cool cliffs.

Progress up Owl Canyon's badlands.

Entering some narrows.

Excellent narrows within Owl Canyon.

The narrows open up a bit and there's some Class 2 boulder-hopping.

Approaching some more narrows.

Class 2/2+ stuff to get above a dryfall and enter the narrows.

A cool hairpin turn within the narrows.

The canyon begins to open up a bit, but the rock features are still very cool.

Looking back toward a spot where Owl Canyon flows between two neat, taller walls.

Another short section of narrows. I found the many shifting colors as I progressed up Owl Canyon to be particularly unique.

View back within the narrows.

A wider section higher up.

A final bit of cool cliffs as I near the end of the colorful, unique rock features.

View back as I ascend toward the head of Owl Canyon.

Exiting the canyon and now within its northern hilly badland reaches.

View back once I located a social trail that led me out of the canyon.

Some oddly-colored badlands.

The social trail led me up and out of Owl Canyon.

View back into Owl Canyon.

A Class 2 detour to reach Rainbow Basin Overlook.

View down the steep detour and into the head of Owl Canyon.

Rainbow Basin Overlook, view toward Owl Canyon.

Rainbow Basin Overlook, a view toward the unnamed canyon I'll be descending soon (far right).

I descended from the Rainbow Basin Overlook along an ATV road.

And then down into the head of the descent canyon.

After some uneventful walking, the canyon narrowed.

View back toward the Class 2/2+ moves I did to get into the canyon.

The canyon gets more and more narrow.

And then enters a slot.

A hairpin turn within the slot.

A rabbit hole crawl under a boulder.

The near little crawl-through.

Deeper into the narrows shortly before the canyon opens up.

Nearing the mouth of the canyon.

View back toward the canyon mouth as I reach the scenic road.

Hiking along the scenic road for a bit. My goal is to get up and over the mesa seen center. The standard loop seems to direct hikers to wrap all the way around it.

I found a Class 2 option to ascend the mesa.

This is a view back down to the road as I ascend to the mesatop.

Flat mesatop. I headed to its east side.

A rim view from the mesatop down toward the Owl Canyon Campground.

Along the rim, where a social trail led me back down to the campground and trailhead.
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