Starting out along the Fillmore Trail.

Social trail juts off on the right. When I was here, there was a small cairn.

Heading up the social trail to Organ Peak.

Not Organ Peak, but a crazy cool cliff face along the way.

A few forested sections.

A bone tree!

Organ Peak popping up ahead.

Looking back down Fillmore Canyon along the Organ Peak Trail.

Approaching the Narrows.

The Narrows.

Looking back toward The Narrows along the way to Organ Peak.

Organ Peak ahead, getting closer.

Debris from a plane crash (maybe?) within Fillmore Canyon on the Organ Peak Trail.

My chosen route (there was a solid trail) up the ridge. There were lots of options, but this one called my name.

Along the ascent ridge, looking back toward Organ Needle (right).

Organ Peak ahead on the right!

Looking back toward Fillmore Canyon (left) and Organ Needle (right).

Sub-peak with an abandoned military observatory.

Military observatory.

Ridgeline to Organ Peak from the sub-peak with the observatory.

Organ Needle (north) from the sub-peak with the observatory.

Continuing along the ridge to Organ Peak.

Looking back along the ridge toward Organ Needle (left).

Sections of Class 2 along the ridge to Organ Peak.

Organ Peak summit, looking back along the summit ridgeline (right), Organ Needle (left).

View southwest toward Baldy Peak from the Organ Peak summit.

Baldy Peak close-up.
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