Organ Needle seen on the right.

Fillmore Canyon Trail.

The route to Organ Needle ascends to the left of the gravel pile on the left in this photo.

Fillmore Canyon Waterfall.

View back toward La Cueva.

Farther up along along Organ Needle Trail, view back toward La Cueva.

Ascending the trail as it approaches the base of Organ Needle.

Some slickrock that makes losing the trail more likely.

View back, La Cueva seen center.

The trail hugs some cliffs.

Ascending steeply to the cliffs fortifying Organ Needle.

View back. It's less brushy than my photos make it look.

Ascending to the gully in the center.

View west from roughly the 7800' contour.

More pretty slickrock along the trail before entering the gully.

View back down.

Close-up toward La Cueva (center).

Hugging a cliff as I enter the gully.

Within the gully.

Wrapping around to the east side of Organ Needle.

The Class 3/3+ crux.

A bit of light scrambling past the crux and along the ridgeline to gain the summit.

View west.

View southeast toward Organ Peak an Sugarloaf Peak.

Past the crux, some light scrambling led to the summit. This is a few north.
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