From where I parked, I headed up to Opal Peak seen ahead.

Opal Peak. Keyhole Peak seen left of center.

Opal Peak summit, view toward Nelson and the Eldorado Wilderness.

Onward to Keyhole Peak, first descending via Opal Peak's south ridge on a dirtbike trail. You can see the Ireteba Peaks on the left.

Now descending into Keyhole Canyon's upper reaches. Keyhole Peak seen center.

Lower in the drainage, Keyhole Peak much closer. I ascended using the slope on the left to reach the ridge.

View back into the drainage I just descended. Opal Peak hidden top left somewhere.

Up the Class 2 east slope of Keyhole Peak.

It's sort of just like this, with some light route-finding to avoid cliffier terrain.

Toward the top of the slope, more Class 2 gain the ridge.

Along the ridge to Keyhole Peak, Class 2.

Keyhole Peak, view toward the obscured Keyhole Canyon narrows. You can see the solar fields off NV-95, Black Mountain, and Charleston Peak.

Southwest view, McCullough Mountain seen top right.

Opal Peak and the upper reaches of Keyhole Canyon.
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