The start of the Thomas Creek Trail.

I quickly emerged into the expansive Thomas Canyon.

View back, Lamoille Peak seen over there. Thomas Canyon Campground within the trees below.

A nice sculpted spurt of granite.

The Thomas Creek Trail ascends mostly modestly up the canyon, with one particularly steep section.

The trail passes a lovely waterfall farther up.

Nearing the end of the Thomas Creek Trail. There's a pond on the right.

View back through the pretty meadows as I near the end of the trail.

Along the social trail past the pond. My route heads up the slope on the left at the base of the little cliff band. Mount Fitzgerald seen top center.

Crossing the creek. I kept right here and managed to avoid bushwhacking.

View back after crossing the creek. You can see the pond at the end of the Thomas Creek Trail center.

Ascending the grass seen left, then continuing up the slope on the right.

Ascending the slope.

View back down at the steep slope ascent.

Wider shot back at my progress past the pond, just after reaching the top of the initial steep slope.

On a flatter section where I encountered cairns. I weaved around obstacles and continued toward the center of this photo. Onthank Peak summit is out of frame, but above you can see the ridge I'll be on.

Onthank Peak seen far right. From here I headed left into a drainage housing a small creek.

Gorgeous little creek that leads to an unnamed tarn at the base of Mount Fitzgerald (seen top center). I didn't see anymore cairns past here on my way up to Onthank Peak.

Ascending a steep slope with some light Class 2.

Tundra with a bunch of granite slabs. The weakness I'm headed to seen not apparent yet, but it soon will be on the top right.

A boulder field just below the south ridge of Onthank Peak. Weakness seen right of center.

A grassy strip led me around the boulder field and up to the weakness seen center.

View back down. I came up the grass in the center, boudler field seen below. Full House Peak seen left, Snow Lake Peak center, Mount Fitzgerald right.

I reached Onthank Peak's south ridge and continued on.

Keeping left of the crest is likely the easiest option.

Onthank Peak seen center.

View back along the crest.

Onthank Peak summit ahead.

Class 2 to reach Onthank Peak.

Summit of Onthank Peak, view into Thomas Creek Canyon. Thomas Peak seen top center.

Close-up toward the pond at the end of the Thomas Creek Trail.

View back along the south ridge of Onthank Peak. Mount Fitzgerald seen top left.

Close-up toward Goat Lake at the end of the Lamoille Canyon - Right Fork Trail.

Wider shot into Right Fork. Mount Gilbert seen center, Ruby Dome behind it.

Ruby Spire to the north, no thanks.
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