I started out, despite the (what seemed like) monsoon.

Super steep up to Old Butt Knob along Chestnut Ridge.

Some nice views from within the trees.

Steep, even with switchbacks.

Not really a summit, but here is the Old Butt Knob summit, I believe.

Along the ridgeline from Old Butt Knob.

Dog Loser Knob. Shining Rock coming up in the distance.

The trails were super flooded from all the rain.

Lots of switchbacks on narrow, flooded trails.

Shining Rock Summit.

Another summit view. This was taken from the top of the actual shiny rocks . The clouds started to clear, thankfully.

Heading down past the Shining Rock.

A mini-scramble to get down from Shining Rock, which you can sort of see here.

Continuing down to the Art Loeb Trail, which marks the point where the second half of the loop begins.

Heading down North Prong Shining Creek.

Lots of waterfalls from the rain - not sure which ones are just runoff and which are streams.

So much runoff, a lot of which followed the trail, ultimately leading into Shining Creek.

The sun came out and everything was blissful.

Shining Creek eventually leads you to the split where you went up to Old Butt Knob. Head back to the trailhead from there.
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