Nutty Peak above. We wrapped around to the left.

A cool formation to the west.

Around the base of Nutty Peak.

A major chute on the south side of the peak. We think this may offer a Class 4 route to the notch above, but not sure. Might be worth a try?

A more minor chute we headed up. Steep, sketchy rock leads directly up. Keeping left here led to a safer-feeling option.

Safer option, which leads into the chute higher up.

View back down, a short Class 4 move.

Now within our chosen chute, we ascended a few hundred feet.

View back down the chute.

The key chimney we used. Matt is seen above because I took this shot on the way back.

Matt scrambling up the key chimney, Class 4. Above Matt the chimney becomes too sketchy.

View back down toward the chimney (bottom left). The top of the chimney was too sketchy, so we kept to the left to escape it, then traversed above it.

Matt on the traverse above the chimney (seen below him).

View back at the traverse above the chimney.

A Class 2/3 slab. Nutty Peak seen top right.

View back down the slab.

Nutty Peak ahead.

View back along a thin section before the major notch.

Nutty Peak summit block. Possible exposed Class 5 option left of center.

We dropped into the major notch.

Stemming to get below the notch.

Wrapping left around the summit block.

Remains of a bighorn sheep.

View back as we wrap around.

Nutty Peak above, first a Class 3 headwall.

Close-up at Matt higher up at the low Class 5 move.

Matt pulling the Class 5 move.

View back at the move.

A cool ledge, quite exposed.

Easy hiking past the ledge to the summit.

Nutty Peak summit, view west.

Nutty Peak summit, view south.
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