Starting up Sawtooth Canyon from the Notch Peak Trailhead.

A junction. We'll be returning from the right later, but the trail leads left.

Along the trail as we enter the mouth of the narrower section of canyon.

Some Class 2, but all straightforward.

A narrow section.

A low Class 3 section within the canyon.

Chris on the Class 3.

Some more Class 3

View back at the Class 3 stuff.

Ascending through the canyon.

Past the narrows, the canyon starts to open up.

Still some cool limestone along the way. Shortly after here we left the canyon drainage and followed a social trail leading left.

View back into the drainage.

Notch Peak up there on the left, but it looks like just a big lump from here. There were multiple social trail options leading to the rim above.

View back toward the canyon we ascended from.

Almost at the saddle on Notch Peak's east side.

Holy moly, the saddle looking into the notch.

Notch Peak ahead.

Class 2/2+ on the way up to the summit.

Notch Peak summit.

Notch Peak summit, view south.

Notch Peak summit, view west.

Close-up into the ridiculous drop.

The widest shot I could get with my camera of the notch on the north side of Notch Peak.

Descending from Notch Peak back to the saddle. We went up and over the small hump ahead to start the traverse to Sawtooth Mountain.

View back toward Notch Peak from the small hump.

We continued along the rim, Peak 9424 seen ahead.

Close-up toward the rim to come.

Notch Peak's insane face.

View back toward the little hump and the saddle on Notch's east side.

Onward along the rim from Peak 9424.

View back along the rim, Notch Peak seen right.

Close-up back at the descent from Peak 9424.

We went over another little hump after Peak 9424 and got a nice view of Sawtooth Mountain, seen center. To reach it we'd have to first drop down a steep Class 2 slope into the trees on the left and then wrap around the right side of the pyramid-shaped obstacle on the right in this photo.

Down the Class 2 steep slope.

Sawtooth Mountain ahead.

View back toward the hump we just came down from.

Class 2 to get to the base of the pyramid-shaped obstacle.

View back as we wrap around the pyramid.

Heading up to Sawtooth Mountain on a good social trail.

View back toward the pyramid-shaped obstacle and the rim we just traversed across.

The social trail leads up to Sawtooth Mountain's north ridge.

Sawtooth Mountain's north ridge, heading to the summit (Class 2).

Sawtooth Mountain, view toward Notch Peak and the traverse we just completed.

We wanted to make a loop, so we backtracked off Sawtooth Mountain and then descended along the wide ridge seen left of center.

Mostly clear.

But there was some light bushwhacking.

View back, Sawtooth Mountain seen on the right.

Nice sweeping views when we weren't bushwhacking.

A view east along the rim of the ridge. Some cool formations to the north.

Another shot back before we started descending from the ridge.

Descending about 1000 feet into Sawtooth Canyon, some brush, but nothing too bad.

Approaching Sawtooth Canyon, seen below.

View back up at the ridge we came down from.

Gravel wash within Sawtooth Canyon, which we took to meet back up with the Notch Peak Trail.
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