After ascending to Half Moon Pass, we headed up the rocky slope seen ahead.

Leaving the trail, taking this social trail marked by a cairn.

Ascending directly up the Class 2 bouldery slope.

View back. We came up from the Half Moon Trail, seen on the right in the trees.

Bigger boulders higher up.

Along the ridgeline to Notch Mountain.

The boulder-hopping becomes more tame, but there are a few obstacles like this one.

Nearing Notch Mountain, Mount of the Holy Cross seen on the right.

View back at our progress along the ridge.

Notch Mountain.

Continuing down from Notch Mountain. Keep right of the crest.

On the right side of the crest.

View back toward the "notch" of Notch Mountain.

View back toward Notch Mountain and the "notch" after skirting below the cliffs.

Amanda went up this Class 4 way, but Class 3 is found just to the right up a small chute, followed by a couple of spurts of scrambling.

View back down as we head up some Class 3. The route came from the slope on the right beneath the cliffs.

View back as we ascend to the weakness to regain the crest on another short scramble section.

Above the traverse from Notch Mountain, we reached the stone shelter at the end of the Notch Mountain Trail. Peak 13253 seen on the right.

Inside the Notch Mountain shelter.

View back as we continue to Peak 13253. You can see the stone cabin right of center.

Descending from Peak 13253. Whitney Peak seen on the left.

Continuing along the Class 2 ridge, Mount of the Holy Cross seen far right. Holy Cross Ridge center.

Progress along the ridge. Ahead is a steep Class 2 slope to a false summit.

View back along Halo Ridge.

Class 2 up the false summit.

Peak 13253 seen back there.

View back at our progress as we ascend the slope.

Nearing the false summit.

Above the Class 2 slope, view back the way we came.

Onward to Holy Cross Ridge, right.

View south toward the Tuhare Lakes and Whitney Peak (center).

Another shot back at our progress along Halo Ridge.

Mostly tundra with some embedded rocks past the false summit. Holy Cross Ridge seen top right.

Progress up to Holy Cross Ridge, view back.

Mount of the Holy Cross seen right, Holy Cross Ridge left.

Holy Cross Ridge, view back.

Holy Cross Ridge, view toward Mount of the Holy Cros.

View back after dropping from Holy Cross Ridge on the way to Mount of the Holy Cross.

Straightforward to Mount of the Holy Cross.

Nearing Mount of the Holy Cross, view back toward Holy Cross Ridge.

Class 2 to the summit.

Mount of the Holy Cross summit, view toward Notch Mountain (left).

Mount of the Holy Cross, view toward Holy Cross Ridge (right) and Whitney Peak (back left).

Back toward Holy Cross Ridge, but rather than reascend we just headed directly below it.

View back as we bypass Holy Cross Ridge. Class 2+ on large boulders.

Onward to Peak 13786.

Peak 13786 ahead.

Cool face on Peak 13786.

Peak 13786 summit, view back.

Peak 13786, view south. Whitney Pea seen left. We descended to the lake seen center (one of the Seven Sisters Lakes).

Steep Class 2 slope. We started toward the lake, then cut to the right to avoid cliffs below.

Amanda took a little (hilarious) tumble.

Approaching Seven Sisters Lakes.

We kept to the right of the lake.

View back at the slope we just descending, Peak 13786 seen top right.

Gorgeous lake.

Whitney Peak ahead, but there was some navigating around cliffs we had to overcome.

Our route from Seven Sisters Lakes to the Fall Creek Trail had a short spurt of Class 3, but you can likely find another option.

View back at our Class 3 navigation.

Whitney Peak seen ahead. We reached the Fall Creek Trail in the center of this photo.

View back after reaching the Fall Creek Trail.

Along the Fall Creek Trail, ascending for a bit before leaving it again for Whitney Peak.

Onward to Whitney Peak.

View back, Peak 13786 seen center.

Class 2 up Whitney Peak.

Another shot back as we near the summit of Whitney Peak.

Whitney Peak ahead.

Summit block of Whitney Peak.

After backtracking, we continued along the Fall Creek Trail. It was really gorgeous.

Trail hike the whole way back, excellent views as we descended.

The Fall Creek Trail winds down toward Lake Constantine.

Cute lake along the way.

Lake Constantine seen below. We didn't go to it, so we only had little glimpses.

View back up at our progress along the Fall Creek Trail.

We entered tree line, welcome as storms rolled in.

Beautiful forest.

View back. The trail undulated a bit, but was mostly a descent.

Another shot back.

Continuing through the forest for miles along the Fall Creek Trail.

Occasional open meadows.

Another shot back as the trail traverses the slope.

Open view to the north, not long before reaching the trailhead.
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