Quick morning photo of Warner Lake before starting along the Miner's Basin Trail.

Starting up the Miner's Basin Trail.

Along the Miner's Basin Trail, looking toward Gold Knob (left). Won't be doing this little peak today.

After getting to the saddle beneath Gold Knob, the Miner's Basin Trail goes back down and into the Miner's Basin.

Historic cabin. There is a very old dirt road leading up to the right sort of behind the cabin.

Another ruin along the dirt road.

Old mining road ascends for a while to the saddle of Horse Mountain and Green Mountain (you can't see either from here).

And then the old mining road descends a bit again. So much up and down already and haven't even bagged a peak.

You can see the saddle between Castle Mountain (left) and Mt. Waas (peeking out center). Get to this saddle.

Approaching the terrible-looking route to the saddle between Castle and Waas.

Scree field on the way up to the saddle, looking back down the way I came. You can see the previous saddle between Horse Mountain and Green Mountain in the center. I came up that on the old mining road.

Scree slope leading to the saddle

Just above the saddle, looking toward Mt. Waas (left) and Green Mountain (right). First, headed up to Castle Mountain (behind me).

Trail leads through the scree to the Castle Mountain summit.

Castle Mountain summit looking toward La Sal Peak.

More scree to the La Sal Peak summit.

La Sal Peak summit, looking toward Castle Mountain (right) and Mt. Waas (left). Now that I got Castle and La Sal, time to go back to the Castle-Waas saddle and continue along the ridge.

Mt. Waas Saddle again.

Scree up Mt. Waas. Eventually, there is a switchback trail. I saw a group who had just done Mt. Waas coming down.

Mt. Waas summit ahead.

Mt. Waas summit, looking toward Castle and La Sal.

A hiker posed without realizing it for me.

Mt. Waas summit, looking toward Green Mountain (right), Pilot Mountain (center), and Manns Peak (left). You can also see Mt. Mellenthin, Tuk, and Peale in the distance.

Close-up of the ridge from Waas to Green.

Green Mountain ridge, looking back toward Waas, Castle, and La Sal.

Green Mountain summit, looking toward Pilot Mountain.

Close-up of the ridge from Green to Pilot.

Pilot Mountain, looking back toward Green, Waas, and Castle peeking out between them.

Close-up of Porcupine Rim, way below on the desert floor, seen from Pilot Mountain.

Pilot Mountain summit, looking southeast toward Manns Peak.

Close-up of the ridgeline to Manns Peak from Pilot Mountain

A big bump between Pilot and Manns. I decided to bag it, not sure if it was an official peak or not. It wasn't. Yay for extra elevation gain.

Almost to the summit of Manns Peak, looking back toward the ridgeline.

Manns Peak ahead.

Manns Peak summit, looking back the way I came.

Manns Peak summit, Mt. Tomasaki on the left. Mellenthin, Tuk, and Peale on the right, far away.

Close-up of Mt. Tomasaki (right).

On the way to Mt. Tomasaki, looking back toward Manns Peak.

Tomasaki ahead.

Base of Tomasaki.

Mt. Tamasaki summit, looking back along the whole ridgeline.

Close-up of the Burro Pass Trail below. You can see the outline of the trail in this pic, sort of.

Heading down from Tomasaki, hugging the treeline.

Heading up the Burro Pass Trail.

Looking back toward Mt. Tomasaki on the Burro Pass Trail.

Burro Pass, looking down into the forested valley.

Views of Mellenthin, Tuk, Peale from the trail.

Approaching the Warner Lake Trailhead. I went up that gully in the center of this photo at the start of the day (Miner's Basin Trail).

Warner Lake.

Night shot from the previous night.
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