Starting from my car, I headed into the wash in the center. I left the wash shortly after to continue yo Peak 3400, the ridge of which is visible top left.

On the ridgeline leading to Peak 3400.

Peak 3400 summit, view toward Peak 3320 (far left) and Peak 3510 (left of center). Mount Stocker visible distant center.

Looking back up at Peak 3400 after descending.

At the head of Oak Creek Canyon. Peak 3510 visible center.

Looking back up after dropping into the canyon.

Class 2 canyon.

Looking back at the mouth of the canyon.

I wrapped to the left around Peak 3510, ahead. Lonesome Wash visible center.

Within Lonesome Wash.

I headed up the drainage that separates Peak 3510 from Peak 3320.

Looking back (Peak 3400 top left).

Continuing up the drainage.

Looking back just before the saddle.

At the saddle, headed to Peak 3320 first.

Looking back toward the saddle as I ascend Peak 3320. Peak 3510 visible right of center.

Class 2 ascending traverse.

Ridgeline to the summit of Peak 3320.

View north toward Peak 3400.

Back at the saddle, now heading to Peak 3510.

View back as I ascent the ridge, Peak 3320 top right.

Class 2 along the ridgeline. Keep left and stay to the base of the headwall visible ahead.

Looking down some Class 2/2+ bouldery stuff just below the summit.

Peak 3510 summit, view north toward Peak 3400. The drainage I ascended visible on the right.

I DON'T recommend dropping off the west side of Peak 3510 - just go back. However, if you do, it's loose Class 2.

And then it's a loose scree slope, quite unpleasant.

Looking back up the loose scree slope. Just go back the way you came instead.
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