From my parking spot, I headed up the wash in the center.

Class 2 up to the saddle of the twin summits of Peak 3448.

Up to the rocky, northern Peak 3448 summit.

Class 2.

View down into the drainage I just came up. Peak 3091 (last summit of the loop) seen center. Muddy Mountains in the distance.

View north toward Arch Mountain.

Almost up the southern summit of Peak 3448, view back to the northern summit.

Along a pleasant mesatop. North Wilson Ridge seen far left. Peak 3602 seen center.

Peak 3602 seen center. The loop road seen on the right.

Steep slope up to Peak 3602.

Class 2+/3 up to Peak 3602.

View back toward the mesatop traverse from Peak 3448.

I dropped off Peak 3602 to the saddle on the right. North Wilson Ridge seen top left. I gained the ridge crest at the hump on the right.

View back toward Peak 3602.

Starting off as a steep, Class 2 ascent.

Some rockiness.

View down at my progress so far.

It's a bit of work higher up, more granitic boulders in the way.

View back, Peak 3602 seen right of center.

Rocky stuff to gain the ridge crest.

Along the ridge crest, view toward North Wilson Ridge.

A view toward Fortification Hill and Lake Mead.

A view east. Peak 3602 seen far left.

Along the ridgeline, which starts off painfully slow from boulder-hopping.

North Wilson Ridge ahead. The boulders peter out.

View back along the ridgeline.

Mostly pleasant terrain for much of the ridge.

And then more rockiness. You can see the summit of North Wilson Ridge ahead.

The last half mile to the summit is the most boulder-filled.

The worst of it.

Just below the summit of North Wilson Ridge, view north along the ridgeline. Fortification Hill seen left. The nubbin of Peak 3602 seen on the right.

Close-up toward Fortification Hill.

The summit is just behind the human-made structure.

A view south toward Mount Wilson.

Back at where I joined the ridge crest, now continuing north.

View back up at the initial drop.

Sometimes rocky along the way down, but nothing like the traverse had been.

View back as I avoid a rocky outcropping.

Another shot back at my progress.

Descending to Indian Pass, seen center. Canyon Ridge seen above it.

A view back from Indian Pass.

Indian Pass, view toward Fortification Hill.

Starting up a good trail from Indian Pass, a view back toward the ridgeline I just came down from. Peak 3602 seen on the left.

Canyon Ridge seen right of center.

The trail seemed to end here at the base of this rocky ridgeline. You can easily avoid it by keeping to the right and using the steep Class 2 slope. I headed up the crest, adding some Class 3 to the mix.

A Class 3 gully.

Class 3 along the crest. Class 2 bypass seen on the right.

View back along the Class 3 puzzle.

At the top of the Class 3 (or Class 2 slope used to avoid the Class 3), a view toward Canyon Point.

Canyon Point, view back. North Wilson Ridge seen left of center.

Muddy Mountains and Callville Bay.

Wider shot of Lake Mead and the Muddy Mountains.

I dropped down into a wash.

Some Class 2/3 obstacles along the way.

The wash was straightforward for a while.

And then it opened into the desert. I left the wash to head up to my final peak, Peak 3091.

Colorful scenery on my way up to Peak 3091, seen on the right.

Eroded, humpy hills.

View back, North Wilson Ridge seen up top left.

Peak 3091 ahead.

Steeper toward the top.

Peak 3091 summit, view toward North Wilson Ridge, Peak 3448 also visible on the left (first peak of the day).

Twin summits of Peak 3448 (top right). My car is seen center. The way back was a pleasant wash walk, seen bottom center.

View north toward the Muddy Mountains, seen from Peak 3091.
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