Starting up the Trampas Lakes Trail.

Some rock cliffs beneath Trampas Peak, along the Trampas Lakes Trail.

Approaching Trampas Lakes (western one).

Trampas Lakes (western one).

Trampas Lakes (eastern one).

Trampas Lakes (eastern one).

Continuing between the two Trampas Lakes, bushwhacking to the base of the ridge.

I took the grassy slope on the left, but I'm sure a few of them would work.

Heading up the steep grassy slope.

Looking back toward Trampas Lakes on the way up to the ridge.

Notch beneath the ridge, looking toward Trampas Lakes.

Starting toward Unnamed Peak 12880, North Truchas Peak visible on the right.

Unnamed Peak 12880 on the right, a view of the ridgeline with Trampas Lakes below.

Looking back toward the notch I came up, Sheepshead Peak on the left. I'll be going that way later.

Continuing up to Unnamed Peak 12880, looking toward North Truchas Peak.

Trampas Lakes below, view from the summit of Unnamed Peak 12880.

Unnamed Peak 12880 summit, looking toward North Truchas Peak.

One section of Class 3 scrambling along the ridge from Unnamed Peak 12880 to North Truchas.

Looking back toward Unnamed Peak 12880 along the ridge.

The solid Class 3 section.

Class 3 section. The trail looks like it goes to the right around this bluff, so I went that way, but it's much easier to head to the base of the bluff, and work your way up and to the left.

Approaching the summit of North Truchas.

Unnamed Peak 12880 (right) and Sheepshead Peak (left) from the summit of North Truchas.

Truchas and Middle Truchas from the summit of North Truchas.

Chimayosos Peak (east) from the North Truchas summit.

Back at the notch I took to gain the ridge, headed up to Sheepshead Peak.

Close-up of Trampas Lakes along the ridge to Sheepshead Peak.

Looking back toward Unnamed Peak 12880 and North Truchas.

Sheepshead Peak ahead.

Sheepshead Peak looking back the way I came. North Truchas in the center.

Another view looking back, Trampas Lakes on the left.

Looking north along the ridge, coming down from Sheepshead Peak.

Looking back toward the ridge to Sheepshead Peak.

San Leonardo Lakes visible on the left.

Looking back along the ridgeline one more time before heading down to San Leonardo Lakes.

San Leonardo Lakes below. I pretty much just did mini-switchbacks down the steep slope, hugging the treeline to avoid cliffs.

Looking up the slope. Very steep.

San Leonardo Lakes.

The bigger San Leonardo Lake.

San Leonardo Lakes Trail, head back.

I got to the San Leonardo Lakes trailhead and followed the dirt road to a junction, and made a right, following that dirt road back to the Trampas Lakes Trailhead.
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