Following the fenceline, North Peloncillo High Point visible ahead.

Nearing the end of the fenceline, North Peloncillo High Point left of center. My goal is to first get to the mouth of the wash on the far left in this photo.

Heading through the desert to the wash.

Entering the wash, cool pinnacles on either side.

Within the wash. I headed up to the left where I saw the most reasonable break in the vliffs.

Class 3 move.

View back down toward the mouth of the drainage.

Along the southern ridge. I kept right at the cliff band/outcrop ahead.

View back along the ridge.

Class 2 as I approach the base of the cliff band.

I kept to the right around the cliff band.

View back, the drainage I ascended out of earlier visible center.

Along the right side of of the cliff band/outcrop, approaching a Class 3 section.

Class 3 set of moves to get over the cliff band.

View back down, above the Class 3 set of moves.

Class 2 to the summit.

View back down the way I came.

Entering a minor maze of boulders and cati.

A Class 2 ramp.

View back from just below the summit of North Peloncillo High Point.

North Peloncillo High Point, close-up toward my route. I came from the left in this photo in the flat section of desert below.

North Peloncillo High Point, view northwest.
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