Hike North Peak and Lost Creek Peak via Graffiti Ledges Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, CA

Looking into Lost Creek Canyon from the trailhead.

Class 2 boulder hopping up the canyon.

Looking back toward the mouth of Lost Creek Canyon, Colin coming up one of many obstacles.

At the fork in Lost Creek Canyon. We went left.

Almost immediately after heading up the left fork, we encountered this Class 4 obstacle.

Looking down the Class 4 obstacle.

Some very pretty terraces in the canyon.

Looking back down the way we came.

Colin on one of many obstacles.

Approaching the head of the canyon.

Some Class 2 slabs lead up to the head. Keep generally right or you'll miss the Graffiti Ledges.

Final Class 3+ move before getting to the Grafitti Ledges. You can see the start of the ledges in the center.

Approaching the Ledges.

The canyon we came up on the left, the approach to the Ledges on the right.

Graffiti Ledges, a wide shot of the whole thing for context.

Colin made quick work across. I took a couple of breath, exposure still scares me.

Colin at the sketchy section. I sat on my butt at the spot he is at.

Looking back along the first half, the sketchy section seen center left.

The second half, mossy but not nearly as exposed.

Looking back at the entire Graffiti Ledges.

Close-up of the Graffiti Ledges.

The route wraps around the base of Lost Creek Peak, a really nice slab area with a good view.

View toward White Rock Hills HP, Calico Hills on the right.

Wrapping around the base of Lost Creek Peak. North Peak visible center right.

Heading down after wrapping around the base of Lost Creek Peak. The ramp on the right led us down into the canyon below in the center. The trees that run northwest highlight our general route up to North Peak (center).

Within the drainage, as we head up the gully. Note that we didn't follow the main gully, but a shallow drainage that heads directly south.

Class 2 slabs.

Looking back, Lost Creek Peak visible center.

Class 2/3 stuff to get to the top.

Looking back down the drainage.

North Peak (sandstone ahead).

Summit of North Peak (sandstone). Bridge Mountain on the left. North Peak (limestone) top right.

View north toward Lost Creek Peak.

View east toward the Red Rocks scenic drive and Las Vegas.

Heading toward Lost Creek Peak on an easy ridge.

Lost Creek Peak ahead.

Looking back toward North Peak (top left). The canyon we came out of visible center left. to get up, we followed the trees about halfway up before heading left to the saddle on the far left.

Lost Creek Peak, view east.

Headed down a Class 2+ gully to get down to Rocky Gap Road. I recommend taking the social trail on the adjacent ridge to the south instead.

Interesting section along the drainage.

Looking up at the terraces within the drainage.

A cairn marking a social trail to Rocky Gap Road.

We took Rocky Gap Road back to the trailhead.
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