Starting out from the wilderness boundary, heading toward the brighter grassy area in the center, the ascent slope.

Continuing to the grassy ascent slope.

Looking to the left as I ascend. I thought the slope's angle was very cool.

Grassy, slow ascent.

View back the way I came.

The grassy slope turns into forest. An animal trail helped lead the way through, but it wasn't all that brushy anyway. Note the rock outcropping on the right - I'll reference it later in photos.

View of North Pahroc Range High Point ahead. Just some tree-dodging required to get there.

Some minor drainages inconveniently located along the route.

Continuing through the forest trying to find path of least resistance.

Some boulders as I near the summit area.

Looking back the way I came. See the rock outcropping I mentioned a few photos ago on the far left? That's where I came from.

Looking back as I get higher up on the boulders.

Class 3 boulder-hopping to reach the summit block.

North Pahroc Range High Point, view south toward Hyko Benchmark.

Close-up of the aforementioned rock outcropping I came from.
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