Starting up the North Fork Lake Creek Trail.

View back a bit after leaving the trailhead.

Entering Mount Massive Wilderness.

Another shot back, Lackawanna Peak seen top left.

A really pleasant hike along the North Fork Lake Creek Trail.

Peak 13291 seen right (my first peak), Peak 13220 left (my second).

The trail gets a little confusing here. The more obvious trail keeps left of the creek, but the trail crosses it and continues north on the opposite side.

A shot back along the North Fork Lake Creek Trail.

Ascending toward the unnamed lake.

Another shot back.

The North Fork Lake Creek Trail leads to the saddle seen center.

View back as I ascend through a wetter section of meadow. The trail fades briefly, but continues shortly after.

Close-up west.

Approaching the switchbacks up to the pass above.

Switchbacks up to the unnamed lake.

View back down, Peak 13736 seen top left.

When I reached the unnamed lake (behind me), I headed left and made a Class 2 ascending traverse up this slope to the ridge above.

View back toward the unnamed lake as I ascend the slope. Deer Mountain seen top.

Approaching the ridgeline.

Shot back, unnamed lake and Deer Mountain left, Peak 13736 seen right.

Easy hiking along the ridge, initially.

A drop in the ridge on the way to Peak 13291, seen ahead. Keep left of the outcropped ahead.

Keeping left of the outcropping.

Class 2 steep slope to regain the crest.

On the crest, some Class 2/3 scrambling to reach the summit. I kept just right of the crest much of the time.

One of the fun Class 3 sections before the false summit of Peak 13291.

Nearing the Peak 13291 summit, view back. Deer Mountain seen top left.

A bit more fun scrambling to the true summit,

Class 3 to the true summit.

Peak 13291 summit, view north.

I backtracked and continued along the crest from Peak 13291, now heading to Peak 13220.

Steep Class 2 descent along the ridge.

View back, the steep Class 2 I just descended seen top right.

Onward to Peak 13220.

Peak 13220 ahead. There was a brief portion of social trail that I returned to later to descend from the ridge.

Starting up from the base of Peak 13220, keeping left of the crest.

Convoluted Class 2/2+.

View back at my progress so far.

More scrambling on somewhat loose rock along the crest.

A Class 2+ gully. I recommend traversing left after the gully.

Peak 13220 seen ahead.

View back along the crest as I wrap around a variety of large boulders and generally keeping just left (south) of the crest.

A steep section of grassy slope to regain the ridge after avoiding a particularly wide outcropping.

Summit block seen ahead. A ledge wraps left around it.

Class 3 to gain the ledge.

View back on the ledge.

Class 2 to the summit.

Peak 13220 summit, view back along the crest. Peak 13291 seen far left.

After backtracking, I descended from the ridge on a social trail. It ended shortly after, so I just headed down the slope.

View back up at the ridge where I descended from.

Some little cliffies I had to avoid (right).

Continuing my descent cross-country back to the North Fork Lake Creek Trail. It was pretty easy to avoid brushier sections.

Following a creek made it a little easier to avoid extra brush.
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