Long slog through the desert. Nopah Peak ridgeline left of center.

View back at the long desert slog as we slowly inch closer to the wash.

Headed to the center of this photo, where we entered a wash.

Within the wash.

Minor Class 2 stuff within the wash/drainage.

More Class 2.

As we neared the head of the drainage, we noted a cliff up high and decided to leave the drainage on the right to gain the ridge.

Looking back before we leave the drainage.

Class 2 up the slope out of the drainage.

At the ridge, the drainage we ascended from visible center.

We continued along the ridge.

Looking back as we neared the saddle of Nopah Range High Point and Nopah Peak.

Nopah Range High Point and Nopah Peak from the saddle.

First we headed up to Nopah Range High Point.

Nopah Range High Point approach wasn't particularly interesting. This is a view from the summit, Nopah Peak visible left of center.

Back at the saddle, we headed up to Nopah Peak.

View back toward the saddle (left) and Nopah Range High Point (top right).

Minor Class 2 as we ascended.

View back just below the summit of Nopah Peak. We traversed over from Nopah Range High Point (top right).

Nopah Peak, view northwest along the Nopah Range
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