Newberry Mountains High Point in Newberry Mountains Wilderness BLM, CA

Hike Newberry Mountains High Point Newberry Mountains Wilderness BLM, CA

Class 2 5.6 miles 1300 gain 1-2 hr Out + Back Mar 28, 2021

Newberry Mountains High Point GPX Track

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Newberry Mountains High Point is situated in some of the least inspiring desert scenery I've ever seen. Although the hike to the summit is gradual on pleasant terrain and the route mostly follows a sandy wash, don't expect any gorgeous views. I parked in a big dirt lot accessible by any vehicle and headed north into a wash that wasn't as obvious as I thought it would be. Since it's so wide, there are many watercourses so it's a bit difficult to stay in the correct one, and I kept wanting to get pushed too far to the west. Make sure you're going north and it should be fine. The wash did become clear once it started to narrow, and it led to the southern base of Newberry Mountains High Point, where I picked a section of the slope and ascended. The last few hundred feet got a little more rocky, and there was some light Class 2 toward the steepest section just below the summit.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Newberry Mountains High Point
5117 ft
1117 rise

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Within the wash leading to the base of Newberry Mountains High Point.
Within the wash leading to the base of Newberry Mountains High Point.
Newberry Mountains High Point ahead.
Newberry Mountains High Point ahead.
Yep, just a wash. Nothing too special.
Yep, just a wash. Nothing too special.
A view back into the wash just after leaving it as I start up Newberry Mountains High Point's south slope.
A view back into the wash just after leaving it as I start up Newberry Mountains High Point's south slope.
Newberry Mountains High Point ahead.
Newberry Mountains High Point ahead.
View back again, the wash I ascended from in the center. It's so boring of a wash that it's barely even visible against the rest of the desert.
View back again, the wash I ascended from in the center. It's so boring of a wash that it's barely even visible against the rest of the desert.
Newberry Mountains High Point ahead. It gets a bit steeper higher up, Class 2.
Newberry Mountains High Point ahead. It gets a bit steeper higher up, Class 2.
Newberry Mountains High Point summit, view north.
Newberry Mountains High Point summit, view north.
Newberry Mountains High Point, view east.
Newberry Mountains High Point, view east.
Newberry Mountains High Point summit, view toward East Ord Mountain and Ord Mountain.
Newberry Mountains High Point summit, view toward East Ord Mountain and Ord Mountain.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!