Starting up Keystone Canyon.

Those rocky pinnacles are not the summit, but pretty views looming above anyway. The trail up Keystone Canyon is a dirt road and unremarkable.

Quick side trip to an old mine.

Intact cabin at the mine site.

Heading back to the main Keystone Canyon road (below).

Continuing up Keystone Canyon.

Approaching mine shaft, the pinnacles that have been looming above getting closer and more discernible.

Looking back from the mine shaft.

Mine shaft.

Continuing up from the mine shaft on an annoying rocky slope.

Looking down the annoying rocky slope, almost eye level with the two pinnacles.

After the slope, at the ridgeline headed up easier terrain, the two pinnacles on the right.

Along the ridgeline, New York Mountains High Point the bump in the center.

Looking back along the rocky ridge.

Two bumps, the higher one is obviously the high point.

Along the ridge, approaching what some people call New York 1, the non-technical high point (no scrambling required).

Looking back along the ridge.

From New York 1 looking at New York 2 (the true high point).

Starting up the scramble, looking back toward New York 1.

Almost at the summit of New York Mountains high Point, the similar-looking rocky bump just to the east, below.

Summit of New York Mountains, looking south.

Summit looking east, at the ridgeline I plan to take on the way back. Keystone Canyon is on the left. Castle Mountains far in the distance.

Back at the top of that rocky slope from earlier, looking back toward New York Mountains High Point.

Continuing along the ridgeline toward Peak 6512.

Looking back toward a nice little avoidable ridge on the way.

Peak 6512 in the center, a nice ridgeline away.

Peak 6512.

Peak 6512 summit!

Looking at my chosen descent rideline. There is an old dirt road on the right (not pictured) that takes you down, but I couldn't help myself - the pictured ridge looked too pretty to bypass for a dirt road. You can see the Keystone Canyon dirt road on the

Looking back up toward Peak 6512.

My car is on the right somewhere, the ridge takes you easily down back to the Keystone Canyon Trial.

Last look at the New York Mountains (high point is the second bump from the left).
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