From Willow Spring, we started through a short riparian area, then wrapped around the slope visible on the left.

Needle Peak ahead, some lumpy terrain in our way.

After traversing the lumpy terrain, we dropped down from the low, minor ridge where I took this photo into this wash which leads to the base of Needle Peak. This photo was taken on the way back after the clouds had cleared. I thought it accentuates the hoodoos on Needle Peak's west face better, hence the lighting difference.

View back. We dropped off the low, minor ridge in the center of this photo.

Nearing the base of Needle Peak.

View back down the wash as we ascend a minor spur ridge to gain Needle Peak's west ridge.

After ascending the spur ridge, now on Needle Peak's west ridge. In the distance (center) you can see Striped Butte.

Starting up Needle Peak's west ridge.

Class 2. A social trail helps with keeping the footing pretty easy.

View back, Manly Peak in the distance.

The west ridge begins to widen and becomes more of a slope as rock outcrops begin to poke up.

View back down along the west ridge.

A Class 2+ move over a small cliff band.

Ascending the rocky gully along the west ridge of Needle Peak.

View back at our progress, just above a short section of Class 2/2+ to escape the rocky gully.

Past the rocky gully, we continued on slightly more tame terrain at the base of a rock outcrop, heading generally toward the center of this photo. Soon we'd be spit out into another rocky gully, but I recommend keeping to the right where the terrain is more solid.

View back down. As you can see on the right in this photo the rocky slope/gully doesn't look all the pleasant. Just to its south (where I'm standing), a minor spur ridge leads up more pleasantly.

Past the last steep section, now on the ridgeline leading to the false summit of Needle Peak.

View back along the ridge, Manly Peak in the distance obscured by clouds.

Needle Peak false summit, view toward the true summit.

Needle Peak summit, view west toward the false summit. Striped Butte visible on the right (little black bump), and Manly Peak top left.

Needle Peak summit, view south.

Needle Peak summit, view north.
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