A shot taken along the approach road. Honestly the best views were probably along the road.

Close-up of the road. Needle Benchmark visible top left.

View back along the drive. Wild horse on the right!

This is where I parked. I wanted to hike along the ridge, but you could drive a bit farther, up to the hump on the right.

Looking back toward my car (right of center), once ascending to the bump. This is the end of the road.

View from the bump where a small radio tower is, looking toward Needle Benchmark (back center). You can see the thin rock outcrop along the ridge. I'd keep to its right.

View of the rock outcrop. Class 2 to get down to the notch separating me from the cliff. Needle Benchmark visible top left.

Close-up of the side-hilling required at the base of the cliffs. You'll notice a thin ledge that would be easy to accidentally start hiking on. Instead, drop down to the lowest tier below all the cliffs and follow the cliff base from there.

View back up at the Class 2 descent from the minor hump with the radio tower.

Along the cliff base.

View back toward the hump with the radio tower (the end of the road).

Continuing beneath the cliff.

Another shot looking back as I near the southern end of the cliff.

The route wraps around to the south side of the cliff.

Needle Benchmark ahead. Class 2 to get down to the dip visible in the center.

View back up at the Class 2 section within the dip. The cliff I wrapped around visible in the center.

Easy walking to the high point from here.

View back toward the cliff. I came around on its left in this photo.

Another shot looking back. You can see my tiny car on the grassy hump right of center.

Needle Benchmark summit, view south.

Needle Benchmark summit, view north.
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