After setting out along the Bowl of Fire Trail. You can see the southern end of the Bowl of Fire visible in the center. Murphys Peak on the left, Polytick hidden behind it on the left, and Anniversary Narrows Peak in the center. Peak 2474 is seen on the right.

Headed up the gully on the east side of Murphys Peak. Murphys Peak seen top right.

View back along the fun scramble up Murphys Peak.

Higher up on some fun Class 2/3.

Murpyhs Peak, a scramble away. If you stay on the ridgeline, you get some fun scrambling on solid limestone. You can keep it a little easier by staying just right of the ridge.

Murphys Peak summit looking west toward Polytick Peak (the crazy-colored one), and Anniversary Narrows Peak (top right).

Murphys Peak summit looking north toward western Bowl of Fire. You can see the tip of Anniversary Narrows Peak on the top left.

Northern Bowl of Fire in the distance. Peak 2474 seen on the right.

After descending Murphys Peak, we wrapped to its norther side and headed through an interesting-looking red rock canyon leading to the east ridge of Polytick Peak. We had to navigate through the sandstone cliffy landscape.

View back as we start up to Polytick Peak.

A weakness ahead. Lots of red rock sandstone on the way to Polytick Peak.

Polytick Peak poking out on the left. Anniversary Narrows Peak seen top right.

Along the convoluted route to Polytick Peak, looking back toward Murphys Peak.

Polytick Peak seen from its east ridge. After some Class 2 up the slope, we reached the summit block.

Class 3 move to gain the summit.

Close-up of the scramble.

Polytick Peak summit, looking east. Murphys Peak visible on the right.

Headed down from Polytick, view toward Anniversary Narrows Peak. The western peak (left) is first.

View back at the northern slope of Polytick Peak.

At the base of Anniversary Narrows Peak West. We headed up the gully on the right. As you can see, there's a substantial cliff right of center that we found a weakness to get through.

Class 2 initially.

View back.

Class 2+ weakness to overcome the cliff.

View back down the Class 2+.

Heading up the awesome Class 3 slabs.

View back down the slabs.

Ridgeline to Anniversary Narrows Peak West.

Class 2+ to gain the summit.

Anniversary Narrows Peak West summit, view back along the ridge.

View toward Endless Peak from the Anniversary Narrows Peak West summit.

View toward the Muddy Mountains.

After returning to the gully, we started up this blocky Class 2/3 boulder-hopping fun to gain Anniversary Narrows Peak.

View back toward Anniversary Narrows Peak West. You can see the weakness we used just above Petey's head.

Along the ridgeline to Anniversary Narrows Peak.

Some Class 3 obstacles along the way.

View back along the ridgeline just below the summit. Anniversary Narrows is seen on the right.

Anniversary Narrows Peak summit looking northeast toward the Muddy Mountains.

Anniversary Narrows Peak summit looking south toward Murphys Peak and Bowl of Fire.

View back toward Anniversary Narrows Peak on the way down.

On the way down, ample sandstone cliffs seen below.

Navigating some pretty sandstone.

View back up at the Anniversary Narrows Peak ridgeline.

A nice sloped passageway we used to get down from the higher ground and into Bowl of Fire.

View back at the cliffs we just descended from.

Heading through the Bowl of Fire.

Interesting sandstone formations within Bowl of Fire.

We took a quick spur route to head up to Peak 2474. View back as we start up the peak.

Class 2 up the ridgeline.

Bad lighting, but you get the gist. It's just a rocky ridgeline with some nice views.

Peak 2474 seen ahead.

View back along the ridgeline.

Approaching the summit.

View back along the ridgeline as we near the summit.

Peak 2474 summit, view toward the Fire Cliffs of Bowl of Fire north.
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