View from the pull-off. I headed directly through the woods toward the notch in the center of this photo.

Heading up the slopes.

I ran into a cairned social trail which took me just to the right of the drainage (visible left).

Looking back.

The social trail leads pleasantly on the right (west) side of the drainage.

Looking back, the drainage visible on the right.

The social trail eventually dropped me down into the drainage.

Continuing up the drainage or just to the left of the drainage.

Steep and sometimes loose.

Looking back down the drainage.

Ascending some Class 2 within the drainage.

Looking back down just before reaching the notch.

Approaching the notch.

From the notch, headed north to Mummy's Nose.

Approaching the Class 3 chute.

Halfway up the chute, leave the chute (route visible on the left in this photo).

Continuing on the ridge to Mummy's Nose.

Looking back as I ascend the ridge. You can see the belly and foot of the "mummy". From the road, what I'm about to stand on is what appears to be the "nose" of the "mummy".

Approaching the summit of Mummy's Nose.

Close-up toward Angel Peak, recent fires evident.

View north toward McFarland Peak, Macks Peak, and The Sisters.

View back along the ridge toward the main Mummy Mountain.

Alternative starting point, following the dirt road. I would recommend just walking through the woods instead, but it could be an easier approach for some to follow the road and make the route slightly longer.
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