Starting out on the North Loop Trail.

Entering Mount Charleston Wilderness.

The North Loop Trail switchbacks quite a bit as it makes its way to Rain Tree.

Open section along the North Loop Trail with sparse tree covering.

Mummy Mountain ahead.

Mummy's Toe comes into view.

Approaching the junction with the Mummy Spring Trail and Rain Tree.

Rain Tree out of frame on the left. It's just a big Bristlecone Pine Tree at the junction of the North Loop Trail and the Mummy Spring Trail. From here head toward Mummy Spring.

Nice trail to Mummy Spring.

A junction. Mummy Spring is a slight detour on the left. Also, you'll notice from here until the descent from Mummy Mountain I'm joined by Chelsea and Austin, and it's clearly autumn. I did a better job documenting the route a few years later and plopped those photos in.

Mummy Spring.

Past Mummy Spring, the trail becomes narrower.

A few short switchbacks past Mummy Spring keep the route easy to follow, but then the social trail is a little less obvious and cairns help mark the way.

The social trail becomes steeper.

View back along the social trail as we start up to Mummy Mountain.

View back along the social trail.

Some Class 2+ obstacles along the way.

View back as the trail continues to be steep.

Mummy's Toe visible in the distance. The social trail makes it just before the ridgeline, then heads right around a rock outcrop.

After heading right around the base of a rock outcrop, the social trail leads below the limestone cliff base. Mummy Mountain is the tree-filled section of rim visible center.

View back as we head along the base of the limestone cliffs. Class 2.

Progress at the base of the cliffs.

Looking back, hints of social trails ensuring us we were on the right track.

The route ascends and descends in short bursts as we skirt the base of the cliffs.

Looking back at our progress along the base of the cliffs just before reaching the ascent gully.

The Mummy Mountain ascent gully.

View back, Class 2 on loose gravel. Alternatively, you can use solid limestone on either side of the gully (Class 2+/3) to make the ascent more pleasant.

Progress up the gully.

View back down the gully.

Higher up.

Class 3 move to get out of the gully.

Just past the Class 3 move. You can see the trees from the previous photo poking out below. The route leads north out of the gully on this very nice ledge.

View back along the ledge. The ascent gully is obscured on the left. Ascending all the way to the ridge results in Class 4 terrain, but you can reach the summit that way too.

Wrapping around on the nice ledge.

The ledge wraps around the limestone cliff and we ascended on Class 2 terrain. View back at the last push.

Mummy Mountain summit.

Mummy Mountain summit, view down the more popular route up Mummy Mountain, on the west side. This would be our descent route. Charleston Peak is visible in the center here.

Close-up of the loose bit to get through the cliff band.

Class 2/3 gully.

View back as we continue down the social trail from Mummy Mountain.

Looking back toward the cliff band we came down from (notch on the top left).

Starting the steep descent to get back to the official South Loop Trail. Lee Peak visible ahead.

Incredibly steep and awful scree slope - this would suck to come up for sure. It's also causing a ton of obvious erosion.

Looking back up toward Mummy Mountain on the steep descent social trail.

Back on the official trail, headed east on the south side of Mummy Mountain. Back to photos from May when I was solo doing this route, hence the shift in lighting and snow cover.

Some switchbacks along the North Loop Trail.

Passing Cave Spring.

Looking back toward Charleston Peak.

Looking back toward Mummy Mountain.

Approaching the Trail Canyon Saddle. Cockscomb Peak appears on the right.

At the Trail Canyon Saddle, view south toward Cockscomb Peak, just ahead along the pretty ridgeline.

Along Cockscomb Ridge looking north toward Mummy Mountain.

Cockscomb Peak is that big block. At the base of this photo on the left is the route to get to the summit. Drop 50 feet or so on the left to locate the route.

The route to reach Cockscomb Peak wraps around the peak's east side on loose terrain. Here I'm approaching some Class 2/3 stuff, mostly solid limestone. I wrapped around to the south side of the peak and ascended to the summit.

Cockscomb Peak summit. Mummy Mountain on the left, Fletcher Peak on the right. Fletcher is next!

On the way up the North Loop Trail, looking back toward Coxcomb Peak (left center) and Charleston Peak (top right).

Fletcher Peak ahead! A pretty obvious social trail is cairned on the right when it's time to leave the North Loop Trail and ascend to Fletcher Peak.

On the social trail headed for Fletcher Peak.

Fletcher Peak summit looking toward Mummy Mountain (northwest).

Fletcher Peak looking toward Charleston Peak.

Cockscomb Peak center.
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